ajslater / codex

Codex is a web based comic archive browser and reader
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OPDS "Newest Issues" going by publish date and not added time #262

Closed beville closed 1 year ago

beville commented 1 year ago

Not sure if this is a bug or if it's by design, but I noticed that with the OPDS "Newest Issues" list (when I get it to load) the first item that shows is the one with the latest publish date. This became pretty clear when I had some fake test comics that have future publish dates. If I add another "real" comic to the library folder it shows up in the web UI where I have the view as Issues sorted by "Added Date", order descending. It doesn't appear in the OPDS "Newest Issues" view.

Peeking at the XML feed, I see that for "Newest Issues" is has "?orderBy=date&orderReverse=True"

Maybe it should be something like "?orderBy=updated_at&orderReverse=True"? (or maybe created_at?)

ajslater commented 1 year ago

This is by design, but I think there's a good argument that it's not the correct design.

Personally, I'm usually interested in publish dates. But I find talking to people in discord that they are much more interested in the acquisition date. So I think i may rename it to "Recently Added' and use , created_at for the sort.

ajslater commented 1 year ago

Changed to "Recently Added" ?created_at&orderReverse=True in v1.2.8