ajstarks / giocanvas

Canvas API built with Gio
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ArcLine issues #12

Closed audiBookning closed 1 month ago

audiBookning commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the package. It looks very good.

I was tweaking with it when i found some issues with the arcline method. There are various of them and since i am not a go dev or am comfortable with it. And i also am not experienced with this package.

All of this to say that i am not even sure if they are really issues at all. So i created a repo with my doubts.

They can be resumed to:

Note: Maybe I should have created separate issues for all of them, but they seem minor issue and seem to be related. So i though that they could all be solved in one go 😶.

ajstarks commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the bug report. FYI, here is a refactored version of your arcLine03 program that I used to compare the two approaches.

package main

import (



const (
    // basic positions in radians
    right  = 0
    top    = math.Pi / 2
    left   = math.Pi
    bottom = math.Pi * 1.5
    twoPi  = math.Pi * 2

    // arc coordinates
    x1  = 25.0
    mid = 50.0
    x3  = 100 - x1

    opFramerate = time.Second / 50.0 // 40ms

type CanvasArc struct {

func newArcLine(c *giocanvas.Canvas, x, y, radius float32, a1, a2 float64, size float32, fillcolor color.NRGBA) {
    // Ensure the angles are in the range [0, 2Ï€)
    startAngle := math.Mod(a1, twoPi)
    endAngle := math.Mod(a2, twoPi)

    // Calculate lineSteps based on the radius
    // Smaller steps for larger radius
    lineSteps := float64(1.0 / (3.0 * radius * twoPi))

    // Define minimum and maximum step sizes
    const minStepSize = 0.001 // Minimum allowed step size
    const maxStepSize = 0.1   // Maximum allowed step size

    // Clamp lineSteps to be within the defined range for performance reasons
    if lineSteps < minStepSize {
        lineSteps = minStepSize
    if lineSteps > maxStepSize {
        lineSteps = maxStepSize

    // Ensure we handle crossing the 0/2Ï€ boundary correctly
    if endAngle < startAngle {
        endAngle += twoPi

    // Initialize the starting point
    x1, y1 := c.Polar(x, y, radius, float32(startAngle))

    for t := startAngle; t < endAngle; t += lineSteps {
        x2, y2 := c.Polar(x, y, radius, float32(t))
        c.Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, size, fillcolor)
        x1 = x2
        y1 = y2

func main() {
    go draw()

func draw() {
    w := new(app.Window)
    c1 := color.NRGBA{128, 0, 0, 255}
    c2 := color.NRGBA{0, 0, 128, 255}
    for {
        switch e := w.Event().(type) {
        case app.DestroyEvent:
        case app.FrameEvent:
            // Calculate delta time
            currentStep := 0.1

            // canvas
            canvas := giocanvas.NewCanvas(float32(e.Size.X), float32(e.Size.Y), app.FrameEvent{})
            // context must be set before drawing to avoid bug?
            gtx := app.NewContext(canvas.Context.Ops, e)

            // Draw the arcs
            drawArcAntiClockwise(canvas, currentStep, c1)
            drawArcClockwise(canvas, currentStep, c2)

            // Redraw the canvas after opFramerate duration
            inv := op.InvalidateCmd{At: gtx.Now.Add(opFramerate)}


var (
    angle1 = twoPi
    angle3 = twoPi

func drawArcAntiClockwise(canvas *giocanvas.Canvas, currentStep float64, color color.NRGBA) {
    angle1 += currentStep
    // avoid angle1 getting too big for a float64 on long running animation
    angle1 = math.Mod(angle1, twoPi)

    base := top
    a1 := base
    a2 := base + angle1
    newArcLine(canvas, x1, mid, 5, a1, a2, 0.5, color)
    newArcLine(canvas, x1, mid, 10, a1, a2, 0.5, color)
    newArcLine(canvas, x1, mid, 20, a1, a2, 0.5, color)

func drawArcClockwise(canvas *giocanvas.Canvas, currentStep float64, color color.NRGBA) {
    angle3 += currentStep
    // avoid angle3 getting too big for a float64 on long running animation
    angle3 = math.Mod(angle3, twoPi)

    base := top
    a1 := base - angle3
    a2 := base
    newArcLine(canvas, x3, mid, 5, a1, a2, 0.5, color)
    newArcLine(canvas, x3, mid, 10, a1, a2, 0.5, color)
    newArcLine(canvas, x3, mid, 20, a1, a2, 0.5, color)

func stdDrawArcAntiClockwise(canvas *giocanvas.Canvas, currentStep float64, color color.NRGBA) {
    angle1 += currentStep
    // avoid angle1 getting too big for a float64 on long running animation
    angle1 = math.Mod(angle1, twoPi)

    base := top
    a1 := base
    a2 := base + angle1
    canvas.ArcLine(x1, mid, 5, a1, a2, 0.5, color)
    canvas.ArcLine(x1, mid, 10, a1, a2, 0.5, color)
    canvas.ArcLine(x1, mid, 20, a1, a2, 0.5, color)

func stdDrawArcClockwise(canvas *giocanvas.Canvas, currentStep float64, color color.NRGBA) {
    angle3 += currentStep
    // avoid angle3 getting too big for a float64 on long running animation
    angle3 = math.Mod(angle3, twoPi)

    base := top
    a1 := base - angle3
    a2 := base
    canvas.ArcLine(x3, mid, 5, a1, a2, 0.5, color)
    canvas.ArcLine(x3, mid, 10, a1, a2, 0.5, color)
    canvas.ArcLine(x3, mid, 20, a1, a2, 0.5, color)
ajstarks commented 1 month ago

I pushed a new version (https://github.com/ajstarks/giocanvas/commit/a04e5a1fc4c1ed036e5e176e4cc478cdfc6b5d5a)

audiBookning commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the code. The visualization was nice. It is interesting how i have the illusion that there is some subtle easing effect in the animation but i see none of it in the code.

i tried the new version and everything seem to be working ok from my part.