ajv-validator / ajv

The fastest JSON schema Validator. Supports JSON Schema draft-04/06/07/2019-09/2020-12 and JSON Type Definition (RFC8927)
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chore: update remaining deps except typescript #2396

Closed jasoniangreen closed 2 months ago

jasoniangreen commented 2 months ago

What issue does this pull request resolve? Remaining dependency updates. This mainly covers ESLint which needs to deal with some new rules and config. Still waiting on access to publish ajv-formats so I can include 3.0.0 in this change too.

What changes did you make? Updated all deps except for TypeScript which will be dealt with separately.

Is there anything that requires more attention while reviewing? I have tweaked the config ensure we have a good coverage of good practices without having to change any code. The exception was 6 lines where I have added line level rule-disable comments for a couple of rules. In these cases I didn't want to change the code but I did want to retain the rule to pick up future violations.

At some point the disabled lines can be revisited.