ajvb / kala

Modern Job Scheduler
MIT License
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JSON composite Job and RemoteProperties #232

Closed weburnit closed 4 years ago

weburnit commented 4 years ago
  1. Job.RemoteProperties is not compatible with Dashboard POST:/jobs therefore Dashboard can not create RemoteJob
tooolbox commented 4 years ago

Hey @weburnit and thanks. Couple points:

  1. Please provide a description in your pull request. That way I know exactly what you're thinking and intending with the change. I know that this is based on your last pull request, but it's still best practice to give some context when you make a new PR.
  2. It seems like you want to change the format of job.Job. I said this in the last PR, but I don't really want to change that structure, because it will break compatibility with existing Kala users.
  3. You mentioned that the dashboard/frontend is broken. If that's the case, then that's my fault because I coded up the dashboard pretty quick and probably didn't test it as thoroughly as I should have. But then, I think the correct solution is to simply fix the dashboard.

I hope that makes sense to you. If you feel capable of fixing the dashboard, I would really appreciate a PR on it, otherwise I can have a look at it as soon as I have a little more time.

weburnit commented 4 years ago

I will ask my team-mate to fix Dashboard issue soon