ajvb / kala

Modern Job Scheduler
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WebUI returns 404 #235

Closed primatekid closed 3 years ago

primatekid commented 3 years ago

I followed the commands in docs: go get .... and then kala serve. The API works fine, but when trying it returns 404 page not found

I'm using Mac OS, so don't know if the install process should be different here.

I've also tried the following: Downloaded the repository and .make, then executed ./kala serve from the bin folder generated. Same problem, not webui working.

Is there any parameter for kala to assign the folder for the webui? Maybe --web /webui?

tooolbox commented 3 years ago

Hey there, let's see if I can help you out.

  1. Yikes, looks like the Makefile needs a little work since it's still talking about GOPATH and the project now uses Go Modules.
  2. Currently, for the dashboard to work, you'll need to run Kala from main directory of the project. So either ./bin/kala serve or you can do a straight go build and then ./kala serve. This is also why a straight go get ... doesn't work.
  3. There's an open issue (#228) for embedding the dashboard files into the binary, which will resolve this foolishness. Contributions are welcome 👍

Recent development was all done on MacOS so no worries there.

primatekid commented 3 years ago


WebUI worked with the go build and ./kala serve commands. 🚀