ajvb / kala

Modern Job Scheduler
MIT License
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Wrong unmarshalNewJob when create a remote job by webui build-in #254

Open kn1011 opened 2 years ago

kn1011 commented 2 years ago

i create a remote job by webui like this


and i got error log below.

INFO[0000] Job test-create-job-by-web-ui-001:6a57c82e-45e9-40fc-5029-e3bcfd08ad7c added to cache. 
INFO[0000] Starting server on port :8000                
INFO[0028] {"name":"test023","type":1,"owner":"ss.btm@triott.com","schedule":"R/2022-10-12T20:12:16.828696-08:00/PT10S","retries":0,"url":"","method":"GET","headers":{},"body":"{}","timeout":0,"expected_response_codes":[]} 
ERRO[0028] Invalid Remote Job. Job's must contain a Name and a url field 
ERRO[0028] Error occurred when initializing the job: Invalid Remote Job. Job's must contain a Name and a url field 
ERRO[0029] Error occurred when trying to get the job you requested. 

the struct of json sent by webui dosen't match the struct of Job below,

type Job struct {
        Name string `json:"name"`
        Id   string `json:"id"`

        // Command to run
        // e.g. "bash /path/to/my/script.sh"
        Command string `json:"command"`

        // Email of the owner of this job
        // e.g. "admin@example.com"
        Owner string `json:"owner"`

        // Is this job disabled?
        Disabled bool `json:"disabled"`

        // Jobs that are dependent upon this one will be run after this job runs.
        DependentJobs []string `json:"dependent_jobs"`

        // List of ids of jobs that this job is dependent upon.
        ParentJobs []string `json:"parent_jobs"`

        // Job that gets run after all retries have failed consecutively
        OnFailureJob string `json:"on_failure_job"`

        // ISO 8601 String
        // e.g. "R/2014-03-08T20:00:00.000Z/PT2H"
        Schedule     string `json:"schedule"`
        scheduleTime time.Time
        // ISO 8601 Duration struct, used for scheduling
        // job after each run.
        delayDuration *iso8601.Duration

        // Number of times to schedule this job after the
        // first run.
        timesToRepeat int64

        // Number of times to retry on failed attempt for each run.
        Retries uint `json:"retries"`

        // Duration in which it is safe to retry the Job.
        Epsilon         string `json:"epsilon"`
        epsilonDuration *iso8601.Duration

        jobTimer  clock.Timer
        NextRunAt time.Time `json:"next_run_at"`

        // Templating delimiters, the left & right separated by space,
        // for example `{{ }}` or `${ }`.
        // If this field is non-empty, then each time this
        // job is executed, Kala will template its main
        // content as a Go Template with the job itself as data.
        // The Command is templated for local jobs,
        // and Url and Body in RemoteProperties.
        TemplateDelimiters string

        // The clock for this job; used to mock time during tests.
        clk Clock

        // If the job is disabled (or the system inoperative) and we pass
        // the scheduled run point, when the job becomes active again,
        // normally the job will run immediately.
        // With this setting on, it will not run immediately, but will wait
        // until the next scheduled run time comes along.
        ResumeAtNextScheduledTime bool `json:"resume_at_next_scheduled_time"`

        // Meta data about successful and failed runs.
        Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"`

        // Type of the job
        JobType jobType `json:"type"`

        // Custom properties for the remote job type
        RemoteProperties RemoteProperties `json:"remote_properties"`

        // Collection of Job Stats
        Stats []*JobStat `json:"stats"`

        lock sync.RWMutex

        // Says if a job has been executed right numbers of time
        // and should not been executed again in the future
        IsDone bool `json:"is_done"`

        // The job will send on this channel when it's done running; used for tests.
        // Note that if the job should be rescheduled, it will send on this channel
        // when it's done rescheduling rather than when the job is done running.
        // That's most useful for testing the scheduling aspect of jobs.
        ranChan chan struct{}

        // Used for testing schedules.
        succeedInstantly bool
// RemoteProperties Custom properties for the remote job type
type RemoteProperties struct {
        Url    string `json:"url"`
        Method string `json:"method"`

        // A body to attach to the http request
        Body string `json:"body"`

        // A list of headers to add to http request (e.g. [{"key": "charset", "value": "UTF-8"}])
        Headers http.Header `json:"headers"`

        // A timeout property for the http request in seconds
        Timeout int `json:"timeout"`

        // A list of expected response codes (e.g. [200, 201])
        ExpectedResponseCodes []int `json:"expected_response_codes"`

json of remote job should looks like this

tooolbox commented 2 years ago

A PR on this would be welcome.