ajw120 / Undertale

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Student Suggestion #20

Open lewisabia opened 4 years ago

lewisabia commented 4 years ago

Great project guys! and the presentation was well done too. You guys truly went above and beyond for your site, the only thing i can suggest is that you give an option for the music to be muted on the site. Its just that it would be cool for the user to chose to keep the music playing or stopping it because of how unexpected it starts when the site is opened. Thats the only suggestion i can think of, good job.

ads171 commented 4 years ago

Great project you guys. I thought yours was the best to be honest. It was well designed, the way you could interact with the site was awesome. My only recommendation is to maybe have information such as stats on the little characters in the game as I couldn't find anything about them stats wise. Overall, I thought it was excellent and I could tell a'lot of work went into that site.

jwa32 commented 4 years ago

Your presentation was excellent and very well formed. The page is easy to navigate and provides a good overview of Undertale. The coding for the entire page is very good and I really found the dog to be a good addition to the page because it adds a more welcoming feeling to the page rather than just raw data and charts.

dylanmore commented 4 years ago

I really believe your presentation was a very good spotlight of a very interesting layout you guys have for your site. The ability to click the parts of the map to direct you to a page is really unique! Overall, there are parts of your website that I wish I would've been able to do with my site. Good job!

KSD32 commented 4 years ago

Great job with your presentation. I feel you all covered everything about your research statement. A possibility for the future could be a network graph, which is covered in the spring course, that would help in visualizing the common text and differences between the three game modes.

smdunn921 commented 4 years ago

Y'all yours was my favorite presentation and site like i full dig it. Having the music up in there was super cool and i like the font (plus i'm just a general fan of dark backgrounds). I like what Kiara said about having a network graph. You also might have a way to show the differences in dialogue for the different modes. mega cool though!!!!!