ajwecker / TS1218

Tikkoun Sofrim crowd sourcing interface
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Safari and Microsoft explorer does not work #69

Open MosheLavee opened 5 years ago

MosheLavee commented 5 years ago

Just got a message from a user that he cannot open the project on Safari. Same on explorer in my laptop...

dstoekl commented 5 years ago

Safari problem (screen 16/9). Safari is VERY important. Is this only a resolution issue or a deeper one? What can be done? image

dstoekl commented 5 years ago

Indeed, on my ipad I can open the site. Excruciatingly slow (maybe due to connection, but we talk about 15 min or so). Most importantly: The essential button is invisible. The images of page and line are not loaded but covered by the logos. There should be a routine to render the logos invisible after 2 or 5 seconds when the screen is small.

MosheLavee commented 5 years ago

@TsvikaKuflik @drore @ajwecker I guess we should not touch this now, since we should be now on the "feature freeze state". We might try to do a round of such fixes without deploying and upload a new version in a week or so.

dstoekl commented 5 years ago

I consider this to be the most important bug to solve. In France 20% of all users use Safari, it is the second after Chrome. I assume that many many users go to 929 via their ipads or cellphones. In France, Mac is extremely widespread. http://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/all/france

dstoekl commented 5 years ago

In Israel it is 10% in the US even 30%