ajwecker / TS1218

Tikkoun Sofrim crowd sourcing interface
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New Website #86

Open dstoekl opened 5 years ago

dstoekl commented 5 years ago

I have problems with the following aspects in the new website, the rest is very nice.

  1. Both drop down menus hide important data too much. IF the one for the languages stays, please switch to national flags, otherwise a Frenchman might have problems to change language.
  2. The banner on the bottom does not make sense in my eyes. Why should this change? If possible I would advocate that the logos are visible only for some seconds after login and then they go away to save space. Anyhow, I would prefer having it on top as before.
  3. all transparent logos are unreadable on the banner.
  4. The logo for NLI is missing and the one for the French ministry is still the old one.
  5. The "p" of help is invisible on my 1900 pixel screen. The same goes for the he of עזרה. It should be "aide" in the French version.
  6. Our project logo seems absent.