ak1394 / react-native-tts

React Native Text-To-Speech library for Android and iOS
603 stars 154 forks source link

Change "s.dependency 'React'" to "s.dependency 'React-Core'" #173

Closed ngocdaothanh closed 3 years ago

ngocdaothanh commented 3 years ago

I'm using this script: https://gist.github.com/HosseinRashno/4786b289356ad9840b6c087ce8191fe4

to check https://github.com/ak1394/react-native-tts/blob/master/TextToSpeech.podspec

and it says:

Detected podspec with wrong dependency ----> node_modules/react-native-tts/TextToSpeech.podspec
Fixed podspec with wrong dependency ----> node_modules/react-native-tts/TextToSpeech.podspec
ak1394 commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Can you test current master, to see if it works for you?

ngocdaothanh commented 3 years ago

I believe it should work. There are many libraries using and switching to React-Core, so no worries.

ak1394 commented 3 years ago

Cool, it'll go to the next release then!