ak2yny / Official-Character-Pack-v2-for-Ultimate-Alliance

Official Characters Pack (OCP) for Marvel Ultimate Alliance (MUA) was created to add the DLC content of the Xbox 360 verison to the original PC version ported by Beenox in 2006.
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Implement the Outsider's fixes from his EXG. #20

Closed ak2yny closed 1 year ago

ak2yny commented 1 year ago

(please double-check compatibility with OCP through side-by-side comparison, and also double-check if other files may need to be modified)

* The Outsider provided details and files on Discord in DM with @ak2yny

ak2yny commented 1 year ago

While doing the Stygian Abyss fix, double check Sepulcher > exit to Stygian Abyss: There is a bug where the Exit would not be marked in some cases, depending on who is saved. This is with the new story arc with Magneto saving both. This bug can probably be ignored. However, apparently something went wrong when this was tested, and now the portal doesn't open at all, when Magneto saves both X-Men.

Thanks to CyborgSun for testing and reporting.

ak2yny commented 1 year ago

Here is the fix the Outsider sent for Stygian Abyss (not sure if the exit issue mentioned above is fixed as well): WARNING, old link: Stygian Abyss Fix It's been tested, but it's probably still a good idea to double-check it.

ak2yny commented 1 year ago

When fixing hub act 2, also check the Weasel side-quest. Currently, we can't give him the answer where to hide, apparently. (Thanks CyborgSun for reporting)

ak2yny commented 1 year ago

I just tested the Weasel side-quest, and it seems to work. The latest scripts load from the EXG seems to break the limit (not tested but there have been reports about the Weasel answer not working).

ak2yny commented 1 year ago

The Stygian Abyss, and Doom battle fixes should be in optional files, as they reduce the experience slightly. Then, we could also add Spoony's reducers to provide a more crash-free experience.

ak2yny commented 1 year ago

Added Swordsman fixes 1e4e85e4013c1cf5e279add6b090c379fe155b50

ak2yny commented 1 year ago

The ninjas where fixed before the OCP was even added to GitHub. I just forgot the NPCstat. That's now done as well.

JordanLeich commented 1 year ago

@ak2yny I can confirm that the Magneto saves both X-Men mod with and without the Stygian Abyss fix works perfectly. However, I may have found a bug as I'm not sure if this is intentional or not. The Magneto mod turns Jeans model into Silver Surfers model when she is in the cage. Also, when defeating mephisto, the Jean model comes back to normal to kill Mephisto so the cage model is the only issue. Game exe Screenshot 2023 01 30 - 17 39 08 65

ak2yny commented 1 year ago

The bug may be related to the change of JeanSimple to JeanGrey. Is the Silver Surfer the first entry in your herostat?

ak2yny commented 1 year ago

I'm currently checking the scripts for hub 2. Already removed the Magneto special greeting: 8da898a58de4d499178eb5ee623468bacdfff1b4 Will probably add that and move optional objectives to main OCP (comparing it to the EXG currently) soon.

ak2yny commented 1 year ago

Finally done, and the Weasel conversation works. Scripts are stable at the Sanctum Sanctorum currently. 8dc7c58574018d5b7f587eb7de5c37a70f064218