ak9250 / stylegan-art

train stylegan through transfer learning
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Project dependencies/Quickstart #4

Closed aspin closed 5 years ago

aspin commented 5 years ago

I might be daft and just unfamiliar with this Jupyter notebooks, but is there a requirements file of all the dependencies needed to run this project? I forked and cloned the repo, but I get dependency issues all over the place and am just resolving them by hand in the virtualenv I've generated.

ak9250 commented 5 years ago

have you tried running the colab notebook top to bottom, you should not have problems with dependencies in there

aspin commented 5 years ago

I have some decent local hardware that I wanted to run the notebook locally to not need to save/resume check points. The colab does work fine for me though.

ak9250 commented 5 years ago

ok closing as it works in colab