akaalias / extract-highlights-plugin

Manage your highlights in Obsidian by easily creating, removing and exporting them.
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Add option to only copy highlights, not ## Highlights heading #2

Closed akicebear closed 3 years ago

akicebear commented 3 years ago

As in description - as is, I end up deleting this section ever time I use the plugin. Great functionality otherwise!

akaalias commented 3 years ago

Hey @akicebear ! Thank you for even taking the time to create the issue. I appreciate it.

Now I wonder if the ##highlights heading should be there at all. I don't really need it.

@santiyounger: Any input on this? Is the heading useful or just over-engineered?

akaalias commented 3 years ago

I've added a poll because I'm curious to hear what people think: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/extract-highlights-plugin/8763

(I'd love to stay away from an options pane for as long as possible and rather gauge the best default setting first.)

akaalias commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your input, issue is resolve via this release: https://github.com/akaalias/extract-highlights-plugin/releases/tag/0.0.6 :)

santiyounger commented 3 years ago

Hey @akaalias sorry for late reply, I was out of the city for a few days. I came to take a look to give my input, but I can see that it's now on version 0.0.9 and the plugin already has an incredible settings panel.

Thank you for your hard work, it works great for me!