MSCG-Net: complaining about missing module lib.* that exists within the in-house API
Train + Checkpoints
Tensorboard + relevant stats (train, valid loss + accuracy)
Other metrics...?
Convert to Torch Mobile (Torchscript to Mobile)
Android activities GUI layout implementation
GUI diagram
Weekly Progress Report Submissions
NOTE: documentation accountability is based on area of work ie frontend does frontend docs, backend does backend docs
[x] Sprint 1: 11/12/21 DUE 11PM
Frontend: User interface, frontend layout documentation, and implementation
Backend: Read the paper, testing + fixing existing PyTorch codebase
[ ] Sprint 2: 11/19/21 DUE 11PM
[ ] Sprint 3: 11/26/21 DUE 11PMQ! Meeting during TY-Giving?
Backend: Fine-tuning if necessary
[ ] Android Source Code (zipped) Q! ml code?
[ ] PDF Document containing the following
[ ] Documentation
Instructions for me to download and run your code. YOU NEED to show me screenshots of you doing this from your uploaded blackboard code.....this forces you to make sure that I can run your code. You MUST have the following screenshots AND give a description on what to do: screenshot 1.1 = screenshot of your files uploaded to Project 1 turn in a folder on blackboard
[ ] Code Description
A describing how code is structured and the state of how it works. Give a description for each filename listed.
[ ] Testing
Section 3 Testing:
here you give screenshots of you running the various stages of the program as detailed here:
Project 3 Specifications
Development Resources:
that exists within the in-house APIFrontend
Weekly Progress Report Submissions NOTE: documentation accountability is based on area of work ie frontend does frontend docs, backend does backend docs
[ ] Android Source Code (zipped) Q! ml code?
[ ] PDF Document containing the following
[ ] Documentation
[ ] Code Description
[ ] Testing
[ ] YouTube Demo