akamai / cli-gtm

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Can't update-property for multiple datacenters (for mirror failover properties) #7

Open sagardeo2105 opened 3 years ago

sagardeo2105 commented 3 years ago

In 0.4.0 gtm release, we were able to update multiple datacenters for weighted load balancing properties. But when it comes to failover properties, the enabled flag does enable or disable but also marks both datacenters as primary.

command: akamai gtm --section default --edgerc .edgerc update-property abc.ca.akadns.net abc.def.piv -target '{"datacenterId": 3131,"weight":1,"enabled":true}' -target '{"datacenterId": 3132,"weight":1,"enabled":true}' --json --complete

Expected: both datacenters are enabled but only 1 is set primary Screen Shot 2021-07-28 at 11 50 41 AM

Actual: both datacenters were enabled and both were marked primary Screen Shot 2021-07-28 at 11 46 57 AM

Request: Can we have a separate flag that can help enable the dc & separate flag that sets a dc as primary.

sagardeo2105 commented 3 years ago

@edglynes tagging you since you helped out with the earlier feature :)