akamai / terraform-provider-akamai

Terraform Akamai provider
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Content provider code wants to be updated to new product code ID (prd_Fresca to prd_SPM) #519

Closed jgdev522 closed 5 months ago

jgdev522 commented 8 months ago

Hi there,

I am having an issue after I have properties created. They have been managed with Terraform for several months now. None of the code listed below has changed and I have been building properties with this code since implementing with base_property module and product code default has always been prd_SPM. Today I ran a Terraform apply and was told that the product code id changed and Terraform needed to update it. Obviously this failed because the cp code is immutable. I am now blocked from making any changes. Right now I have 11 different properties that want to changes the product code back to prod_SPM.

  source  = "hashicorp/aws"
  version = "~> 5.20.0"
akamai = {
  source  = "akamai/akamai"
  version = "~> 5.5.0"

} required_version = ">= 1.4"

Affected Resource(s)

Terraform Configuration Files

Module/base_property/cp-code.tf - resource "akamai_cp_code" "this" { name = var.domain_name contract_id = data.akamai_contract.this.id group_id = data.akamai_group.this.id product_id = var.product_id }

Module/base_property/vars.tf - variable "product_id" { type = string default = "prd_SPM"

Module/base_property/property.tf - resource "akamai_property" "this" { depends_on = [akamai_edge_hostname.this] name = "${var.domain_name}-${var.env_name}" product_id = var.product_id contract_id = data.akamai_contract.this.id group_id = data.akamai_group.this.id

rule_format = var.rule_format rules = var.rule_json dynamic "hostnames" { for_each = local.true_edge_hostnames content { cname_from = replace(trimsuffix(hostnames.key, ".${var.domain_suffix}"), "/-v[0-9]/", "") cname_to = hostnames.key cert_provisioning_type = var.cert_type

================================================================= January 22nd 2024 14:27:49 Error: cp code attribute 'product_id' cannot be changed after creation (immutable) with module.prp-default["admin"].module.base_property.akamai_cp_code.this, on modules/base-property/cp-code.tf line 1, in resource "akamai_cp_code" "this": 1: resource "akamai_cp_code" "this" {

Expected Behavior

Expected behavior would be for the product_id to not be modified. All of my properties were built with product code SPM as default value.

Actual Behavior

It is trying to change the product id from prd_fresca back to to prd_spm which is what is in the state file and how the code executes

This is the Terraform plan output for the cpcode changes for 11 of my properties module.prp-xxxx["xxx-xxx-xx"].module.base_property.akamai_cp_code.this will be updated in-place Info ~ resource "akamai_cp_code" "this" { Info id = "1234567" Info name = "xxx-xxx-xx.xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.com" Info ~ product_id = "prd_Fresca" -> "prd_SPM" Info

(2 unchanged attributes hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 11 to change, 0 to destroy.

Steps to Reproduce

Please list the steps required to reproduce the issue, for example:

  1. terraform plan
  2. terraform apply

Important Factoids

CPCodes are listed as both in Akamai CLI command: akamai pm lcp -c x-xxxxxx -g grp_xxxxx | grep fresca output: │"cpc_xxxxxxx"│"xx.xxx.xxx.com" │"prd_Fresca, prd_SPM" │"2022-10-12T15:47:34Z"│

jgdev522 commented 8 months ago

added property.tf code

jgdev522 commented 8 months ago

When looking in the cli some product coes are listed as "prd_SPM, prd_Fresca" and others are listed as "prd_Fresca, prd_SPM" . Originally when the properties were created they were all listed as "prd_SPM" only with no "prd_fresca". As I mentioned in the issue I have 11 properties stating the need to change the product ID code. I have other properties that are not stating this in the TF plan. It seems the properties that have "prd_SPM", "prd_fresca" first in the list are fine. It is only the properties that have "prd_fresca", "prd_SPM" that are asking to be changed.

PawelSnoch commented 7 months ago

Hi @jgdev522, Thank you for reporting this issue. Could you please send us your resource "akamai_edge_hostname" "this" config? Please add details about your property rule format and locals: "true_edge_hostnames". Thanks, Pawel