Reviewer 1:
For instance, still in the context of task allocation, this recent work (which I do recommend to include as reference) successfully evolved a task-allocation-like collective behaviour where individuals seem not to have access to a stimulus estimate (for instance, robots that are dropping objects from the top of the slopes do not have an idea on the state of the cache, but still manage to switch between tasks in an effective way).
Besides the above work, the related work section could be extended to include more recent works done in swarm robotics on task allocations. Example are:
G. Pini, M.Gagliolo, A. Brutschy, M.Dorigo, and M. Birattari (2013). Task partitioning in a robot swarm: A study on the effect of communication. Swarm Intelligence. Volume 7, Issue 2-3, pp. 173-199. (Bib)
G. Pini, A. Brutschy, C. Pinciroli, M.Dorigo, and M. Birattari (2013). Autonomous task partitioning in robot foraging: an approach based on cost estimation. Adaptive Behavior. Volume 21, Issue 2, pp. 117-135. (Bib)
A. Brutschy, N.-L. Tran, N. Baiboun, Frison M., G. Pini, A. Roli, M. Dorigo and M. Birattari (2012). Costs and benefits of behavioral specialization. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Volume 60, Issue 11, pp. 1408-1420. (Bib)
G. Pini, A. Brutschy, M. Frison, A. Roli, M. Dorigo and M. Birattari (2011). Task partitioning in swarms of robots: An adaptive method for strategy selection. Swarm Intelligence, Volume 5, Numbers 3-4, pp. 283-304. (Bib)
Reviewer 1: For instance, still in the context of task allocation, this recent work (which I do recommend to include as reference) successfully evolved a task-allocation-like collective behaviour where individuals seem not to have access to a stimulus estimate (for instance, robots that are dropping objects from the top of the slopes do not have an idea on the state of the cache, but still manage to switch between tasks in an effective way).