akankshaoc / ttm4j-cucumber-plugin

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Scenario Names - Test Case summary mapping #3

Open akankshaoc opened 2 months ago

akankshaoc commented 2 months ago

There must be a one-to-one mapping between Scenarios in the feature file and Test Cases [issue type] in the jira project. Each Scenario Identifies with a test case using name - summary mapping, i.e. a test case that correspond to a given scenario will have the same summary as the name of the scenario.

The user's of the utility will have to

  1. keep their scenario names unique in the feature file
  2. keep their test case summaries unique in the Jira Project
akankshaoc commented 2 months ago

Searching the Jira Project for Test cases with a summary name can be done using TTM$J API's endpoint constructing a jql

akankshaoc commented 2 months ago

cannot find a good jql

//todo: change to jql for absolute matching
  String jql = "project = "
          + projectKey
          + " AND summary ~ '"
          + summary
akankshaoc commented 2 months ago

makeshift solution implemented in