Summary of Adding the Fun Facts Card
Setup and Initialization:
Started with an Express.js application and ensured the necessary dependencies were installed.
Creating the Fun Facts Data Structure:
Created an array to hold fun facts, structured as objects with properties: index, quote, and author.
Defining a New Route:
Added a new route in your Express application (e.g., funFacts.js).
This route serves the fun facts as a JSON response when accessed.
Implementing the Fun Fact Retrieval:
Developed a function within the route to handle GET requests, returning a specific fun fact or all fun facts based on the index.
Integration with the Frontend:
Connected the backend route to the frontend, ensuring that when the user interacts with the UI, it fetches and displays the fun facts from the server.
Testing the Functionality:
Tested the new route and functionality by accessing it through a web browser or API testing tool (like Postman) to confirm it returns the expected fun facts in the desired format.
Summary of Adding the Fun Facts Card Setup and Initialization:
Started with an Express.js application and ensured the necessary dependencies were installed. Creating the Fun Facts Data Structure:
Created an array to hold fun facts, structured as objects with properties: index, quote, and author. Defining a New Route:
Added a new route in your Express application (e.g., funFacts.js). This route serves the fun facts as a JSON response when accessed. Implementing the Fun Fact Retrieval:
Developed a function within the route to handle GET requests, returning a specific fun fact or all fun facts based on the index. Integration with the Frontend:
Connected the backend route to the frontend, ensuring that when the user interacts with the UI, it fetches and displays the fun facts from the server. Testing the Functionality:
Tested the new route and functionality by accessing it through a web browser or API testing tool (like Postman) to confirm it returns the expected fun facts in the desired format.