akarlinsky / world_mortality

World Mortality Dataset: international data on all-cause mortality.
MIT License
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Colombia new source #23

Closed pr0nstar closed 2 years ago

pr0nstar commented 2 years ago

Hi, Colombia just released (I think) a new mortality dashboard. According to the manual it updates every monday and even has daily data by adm2. image It uses powerbi as a backend, I managed to query it with this. Greetings

akarlinsky commented 2 years ago

Thank you, this is very helpful! Are you going to keep the scrape updated? If so, we can switch our script to cull from you.

pr0nstar commented 2 years ago

Yes I will, I'll let you know if anything changes. Data is right censored and i still dont know how long it takes to get more or less complete, avoid latest week or two: image Thank you for this db.

akarlinsky commented 2 years ago

Good point, just updated the script to remove latest two weeks. How would you like to be credited as source?

pr0nstar commented 2 years ago

Looks like one week might be enough. image Regarding credit, please use sociedatos. Thank you

akarlinsky commented 2 years ago

One week it is then. How often do you update your scrape? I see latest is from 5 days ago.

pr0nstar commented 2 years ago

You are looking at the last time I edited the update script, data updates daily at 7 am GMT+0 using github actions.

akarlinsky commented 2 years ago

I updated the source in our README (https://github.com/akarlinsky/world_mortality#colombia-weekly) Thanks for this great contribution!

pr0nstar commented 2 years ago

There was a strange update this week, maybe it would be best to wait until next tuesday to update your db Screenshot from 2022-03-08 21-35-59 Screenshot from 2022-03-22 20-16-42