akarlinsky / world_mortality

World Mortality Dataset: international data on all-cause mortality.
MIT License
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Updated links for Brazilian mortality information #24

Closed dyokomizo closed 2 years ago

dyokomizo commented 2 years ago

Brazilian Ministry of Health updated their site and broke a few links. The new ones are:

Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade – SIM (1979 a 2019): https://opendatasus.saude.gov.br/dataset/sim-1979-2019

Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade – SIM (2020 a 2021): https://opendatasus.saude.gov.br/dataset/sim-2020-2021

akarlinsky commented 2 years ago

Thank you, we are already using these sources but README is indeed outdated. Will change it in the next WMD update.

akarlinsky commented 2 years ago

Readme updated in commit 67b7df1