akarnokd / RxJavaFiberInterop

Library for interoperation between RxJava 3 and JDK 21+ Virtual Threads
Apache License 2.0
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Cancellation Notification for Long-Running Tasks in the FiberInterop.create #98

Open denyshorman opened 3 months ago

denyshorman commented 3 months ago

When using RxJava 3 in combination with the FiberInterop library, there is a challenge in handling cancellations for long-running tasks. Specifically, the current implementation does not provide a mechanism for a long-running function to be notified of a cancellation until emit is invoked. This causes an issue where a function like computeValue cannot be aware of a cancellation event, leading to potential inefficiencies and unnecessary computations.

var executor = Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor();
var scheduler = Schedulers.from(executor);
var cancelled = new AtomicBoolean(false);

var flow = FiberInterop.create(emitter -> {
    var value = computeValue(cancelled);
}, executor).timeout(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS, scheduler);

flow.blockingForEach(value -> {

In the above code, computeValue is a long-running function that takes a cancelled flag to potentially halt its execution if the flow is cancelled. However, the cancelled flag cannot be updated until the emit is called, making it ineffective in stopping the computation early.

To solve this problem, introducing a mechanism like registering onCancel callback or setting an interrupt flag on the virtual thread could effectively signal cancellation to the running task.
Here are some examples of how it might look:

var flow = FiberInterop.create(emitter -> {
    emitter.onCancel(() -> cancelled.set(true));
    var value = computeValue(cancelled);
    if (!cancelled.get()) {
}, executor).timeout(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS, scheduler);
var flow = FiberInterop.create(emitter -> {
    var value = computeValue();
}, executor, interruptWhenCancelled).timeout(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS, scheduler);

This approach ensures that the computeValue function can be notified of the cancellation event promptly and can stop its execution accordingly.

akarnokd commented 3 months ago

I'll think about it and come up with a reasonable API matching RxJava.

denyshorman commented 3 months ago

Excellent. Thank you for considering this enhancement!
I'm confident you'll come up with a great solution.