akarri2001 / Notion-and-Google-Calendar-2-Way-Sync

2 Way Sync Between Notion Database and Google Calendar
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem bringing GCal events to Notion #14

Closed szymonpindur closed 2 years ago

szymonpindur commented 2 years ago

Notion feeds GCal perfectly, but when I run Part 4: Bring events (not in Notion already) from GCal to Notion it gives me this error: File "Notion-GCal-2WaySync-Public.py", line 1253, in calName = [item['summary'] for item in calItems] File "Notion-GCal-2WaySync-Public.py", line 1253, in calName = [item['summary'] for item in calItems] KeyError: 'summary' I'm kinda a python newbie, so I'd be grateful for any help ;)

szymonpindur commented 2 years ago

Edit: It was a problem with events which have been labelled as "cancelled" in my Google Calendar. A quick solution was to filter the calItems list of dictionaries so that it didn't include the events with status "cancelled".

hipur commented 2 years ago

Hi! Could you share how you edited the code for this to work? I'm facing the same issue

hipur commented 2 years ago

Didn't know how to code in Python but after a few hours, tests and googling I came up with another solution: since the problem is being caused by the key "summary" missing in items in events list, them having the status "cancelled" or not isn't the issue to be addressed.

I've renamed the original events list to eventsunfiltered and created a new events list filtering any list item that doesn't have the word "summary" in it.

##Get the GCal Ids and other Event Info from Google Calendar

eventsunfiltered = []
for el in calendarDictionary.keys(): #get all the events from all calendars of interest
    x = service.events().list(calendarId = calendarDictionary[el], maxResults = 2000, timeMin = googleQuery() ).execute()


desiredwords = ['summary']

events = [x for x in eventsunfiltered if any(word in x for word in desiredwords)]
