akash-mitra / webtheory

Web-superiority platform for the web-artisans. (WIP Version)
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Analytics - Register every front-end visits to database #50

Closed akash-mitra closed 4 years ago

akash-mitra commented 4 years ago
sarubhai commented 4 years ago

@akash-mitra Provide the DB table structure design.

akash-mitra commented 4 years ago


NOTE: Ultimately there will be multiple tables with different time granularity to make the analytics usable. But let's start from the basic one. Please do not close the issue, after the below changes are implemented let me know, I will add additional changes. Following are suggestions only, if you have better idea - do that way.

Table Structure

views table

You can capture the above information like below:

function capture_analytics ($content_type, $content_id)
    $id = optional(request()->user())->id;

    return [
        'ip' => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],
        'user_id' => $id,
        'at' => $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"],
        'url' => $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"],
        'content_type' => $content_type,
        'content_id' => $content_id,
        'agent' => $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"],
        'referrer' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : null,

Notice, above function just captures the agent but does not parse the OS, Browser, Browser version etc. information from it. agent is a string like this: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:73.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.0

So, to parse the needed information from the agent string, you can use the below function.

Parsing agent String

I found this in https://github.com/donatj/PhpUserAgent and made some modifications to make the names of the array keys same as our column names.

     * Parses a user agent string into its important parts
     * @author Jesse G. Donat <donatj@gmail.com>
     * @link https://github.com/donatj/PhpUserAgent
     * @link http://donatstudios.com/PHP-Parser-HTTP_USER_AGENT
     * @param string|null $u_agent User agent string to parse or null. Uses $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] on NULL
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException on not having a proper user agent to parse.
     * @return string[] an array with browser, version and platform keys
    function parse_user_agent( $u_agent = null ) {

        $platform = null;
        $browser  = null;
        $version  = null;

        $empty = array( 'platform' => $platform, 'browser' => $browser, 'version' => $version );

        if( empty($u_agent) ) {
            return $empty;

        if( preg_match('/\((.*?)\)/m', $u_agent, $parent_matches) ) {
            preg_match_all('/(?P<platform>BB\d+;|Android|CrOS|Tizen|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Linux|(Open|Net|Free)BSD|Macintosh|Windows(\ Phone)?|Silk|linux-gnu|BlackBerry|PlayBook|X11|(New\ )?Nintendo\ (WiiU?|3?DS|Switch)|Xbox(\ One)?)
                    (?:\ [^;]*)?
                    (?:;|$)/imx', $parent_matches[1], $result);
            $priority = array( 'Xbox One', 'Xbox', 'Windows Phone', 'Tizen', 'Android', 'FreeBSD', 'NetBSD', 'OpenBSD', 'CrOS', 'X11' );
            $result['platform'] = array_unique($result['platform']);
            if( count($result['platform']) > 1 ) {
                if( $keys = array_intersect($priority, $result['platform']) ) {
                    $platform = reset($keys);
                } else {
                    $platform = $result['platform'][0];
            } elseif( isset($result['platform'][0]) ) {
                $platform = $result['platform'][0];
        if( $platform == 'linux-gnu' || $platform == 'X11' ) {
            $platform = 'Linux';
        } elseif( $platform == 'CrOS' ) {
            $platform = 'Chrome OS';
        preg_match_all('%(?P<browser>Camino|Kindle(\ Fire)?|Firefox|Iceweasel|IceCat|Safari|MSIE|Trident|AppleWebKit|
                    Valve\ Steam\ Tenfoot|
                    NintendoBrowser|PLAYSTATION\ (\d|Vita)+)
                    (?:(?:[:/ ])(?P<version>[0-9A-Z.]+)|/(?:[A-Z]*))%ix',
            $u_agent, $result);
        // If nothing matched, return null (to avoid undefined index errors)
        if( !isset($result['browser'][0]) || !isset($result['version'][0]) ) {
            if( preg_match('%^(?!Mozilla)(?P<browser>[A-Z0-9\-]+)(/(?P<version>[0-9A-Z.]+))?%ix', $u_agent, $result) ) {
                return array( 'platform' => $platform ?: null, 'browser' => $result['browser'], 'version' => isset($result['version']) ? $result['version'] ?: null : null );
            return $empty;
        if( preg_match('/rv:(?P<version>[0-9A-Z.]+)/i', $u_agent, $rv_result) ) {
            $rv_result = $rv_result['version'];
        $browser = $result['browser'][0];
        $version = $result['version'][0];
        $lowerBrowser = array_map('strtolower', $result['browser']);
        $find = function ( $search, &$key, &$value = null ) use ( $lowerBrowser ) {
            $search = (array)$search;
            foreach( $search as $val ) {
                $xkey = array_search(strtolower($val), $lowerBrowser);
                if( $xkey !== false ) {
                    $value = $val;
                    $key   = $xkey;
                    return true;
            return false;
        $key = 0;
        $val = '';
        if( $browser == 'Iceweasel' || strtolower($browser) == 'icecat' ) {
            $browser = 'Firefox';
        } elseif( $find('Playstation Vita', $key) ) {
            $platform = 'PlayStation Vita';
            $browser  = 'Browser';
        } elseif( $find(array( 'Kindle Fire', 'Silk' ), $key, $val) ) {
            $browser  = $val == 'Silk' ? 'Silk' : 'Kindle';
            $platform = 'Kindle Fire';
            if( !($version = $result['version'][$key]) || !is_numeric($version[0]) ) {
                $version = $result['version'][array_search('Version', $result['browser'])];
        } elseif( $find('NintendoBrowser', $key) || $platform == 'Nintendo 3DS' ) {
            $browser = 'NintendoBrowser';
            $version = $result['version'][$key];
        } elseif( $find('Kindle', $key, $platform) ) {
            $browser = $result['browser'][$key];
            $version = $result['version'][$key];
        } elseif( $find('OPR', $key) ) {
            $browser = 'Opera Next';
            $version = $result['version'][$key];
        } elseif( $find('Opera', $key, $browser) ) {
            $find('Version', $key);
            $version = $result['version'][$key];
        } elseif( $find('Puffin', $key, $browser) ) {
            $version = $result['version'][$key];
            if( strlen($version) > 3 ) {
                $part = substr($version, -2);
                if( ctype_upper($part) ) {
                    $version = substr($version, 0, -2);
                    $flags = array( 'IP' => 'iPhone', 'IT' => 'iPad', 'AP' => 'Android', 'AT' => 'Android', 'WP' => 'Windows Phone', 'WT' => 'Windows' );
                    if( isset($flags[$part]) ) {
                        $platform = $flags[$part];
        } elseif( $find('YaBrowser', $key, $browser) ) {
            $browser = 'Yandex';
            $version = $result['version'][$key];
        } elseif( $find(array( 'IEMobile', 'Edge', 'Midori', 'Vivaldi', 'OculusBrowser', 'SamsungBrowser', 'Valve Steam Tenfoot', 'Chrome', 'HeadlessChrome' ), $key, $browser) ) {
            $version = $result['version'][$key];
        } elseif( $rv_result && $find('Trident', $key) ) {
            $browser = 'MSIE';
            $version = $rv_result;
        } elseif( $find('UCBrowser', $key) ) {
            $browser = 'UC Browser';
            $version = $result['version'][$key];
        } elseif( $find('CriOS', $key) ) {
            $browser = 'Chrome';
            $version = $result['version'][$key];
        } elseif( $browser == 'AppleWebKit' ) {
            if( $platform == 'Android' ) {
                $browser = 'Android Browser';
            } elseif( strpos($platform, 'BB') === 0 ) {
                $browser  = 'BlackBerry Browser';
                $platform = 'BlackBerry';
            } elseif( $platform == 'BlackBerry' || $platform == 'PlayBook' ) {
                $browser = 'BlackBerry Browser';
            } else {
                $find('Safari', $key, $browser) || $find('TizenBrowser', $key, $browser);
            $find('Version', $key);
            $version = $result['version'][$key];
        } elseif( $pKey = preg_grep('/playstation \d/', array_map('strtolower', $result['browser'])) ) {
            $pKey = reset($pKey);
            $platform = 'PlayStation ' . preg_replace('/\D/', '', $pKey);
            $browser  = 'NetFront';
        return array( 'platform' => $platform ?: null, 'browser' => $browser ?: null, 'version' => $version ?: null );

You can keep the above function inside the Job that records the page views, instead of keeping it in the view controller itself. That way the execution time of this function won't impact the page response time.

Storing the response

Finally, you can just call the job in the view controller -

RecordViewJob::dispatch(capture_analytics('<type of content>', '<ID of the content>'));

... which will inturn call the above parse_user_agent() function inside the handle() of the job

$view = new View( array_merge(

Feel free to keep the parse_user_agent() / capture_analytics() etc. functions in separate class. It might also be a good idea to cache the response against a specific agent key as there are only handful of agents in 99% of cases.

Test this part first (write unit tests). Next, I am working on.