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Long Form Research - Akash #31

Open brewsterdrinkwater opened 6 months ago

brewsterdrinkwater commented 6 months ago


a) Intro

b) Scope of Web2 decentralized computing market, and existing limitations

c) Main advantages of using Akash & why institutions/useres are switching over at an increasing rate --> Brief explanation of Akash with a clear visual --> Cost, permissionless, resource availability.

d) Existing limitations + how they're being solved quickly --> Ex: hard UX (mention improvements being made), lack of awareness (show Akash usage + Web3 awareness growing quickly), and Web2 integration challenges (not sure if this is true or there is another challenge that's better)

dominikusbrian commented 1 month ago

Hi guys, wondering if this Long Form Research is still up for work ? I am at the end of finishing a paper titled "Green Exascale Computing Infrastructure for Next-Generation Ultra-Resolution and Real-Time Scientific Discovery " which will be submitted and published on ResearchHub Latent Space 1st issue Journal by the end of August. The paper focus on the need on revamped or alternative computing infrastructure to reach the Computing Demand per Capita that is predicted to growing drastically over the years ahead. The discussion covers many aspect from hardware to users application of such computing infrastructure.

I have been doing research on Akash since February earlier this year, and now is routinely deploy use-case on Akash, while at the same time also contributing computing resource as Provider, and time volunteering as Akash Insiders to help newcomers get going with their Akash journey.

This research topic opportunity to write a formal research paper on the latest status of Akash (and perhaps some of its capability) will be very interesting. For instance, test could be made to address cost scaling, resource down time statistics, and many other profile of the system. Comparison with the literature and market offerings on similar computing infrastructure , will also be part of this.

If this is still pretty much an open opportunities, I will try to submit a research proposal and outline to be submitted here somewhere between late August or early September 2024.

Aftwerward, when the paper started to take shape, perhaps it would be wise to recruite co-authors for the papers, who are capable of diving into different aspect of the paper, e.g. fault tolerance, scaling stability, economics, etc.

The paper should be considered to be mid-term long project, that will run for about 6 months or so, and published roughly early 2025. Many Web2 big-tech have a lot of basic research and applied research undergoing within their ecosystem. I can see similar trend for Akash and bigger & serious decentralized compute infrastructure ecosystem in general. Would be very useful for the future builder to understand more than just what tech is available for decentralized compute, but also, why and how of it.

As a side note, if there are more people interested toward actual basic and applied research within and related to Akash Network , maybe soon in the future a SIG or WG could be establish akin of a team that do research in Big Tech (e.g. Google's DeepMind, Meta AI, Amazon Research, NVIDIA Research, Apple ML Research, etc)

dominikusbrian commented 1 month ago

The following report : COMPUTE AT SCALE A BROAD INVESTIGATION INTO THE DATA CENTER INDUSTRY by Konstantin Pilz and Lennart Heim , published on July 2023 https://pdf.konstantinpilz.com/compute-at-scale/ compute-at-scale-a-broad-investigation-into-the-data-center-industry-4.pdf is a good starting point to begin with. image