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Update deploy.yaml #393

Closed SGC41 closed 7 months ago

SGC41 commented 1 year ago

change it to persistent storage, updated to latest image, thats about it.

This is done for a better first time user experience, so they won't loose their configurations after a provider reboot.

Have tested that it works and is actually persistent across provider reboots, have not run extensive testing tho. seems fine and i doubled storage space just to be on the safe side, 512MB seemed a bit low, incase somebody was to add a lot of stuff to it...

the original storage was reduced from 512MB to 128MB, since it is mandatory and thus cannot be completely removed.

arno01 commented 1 year ago

please don't use latest image tag and remove the single quotes around it.

akash aggressively caches the images, so ideally use the version tag there.

SGC41 commented 1 year ago

please don't use latest image tag and remove the single quotes around it.

akash aggressively caches the images, so ideally use the version tag there.

so lets use uptime kuma as an example here...

you are saying its better to run a version that is 1 year old, rather than a new version that was updated a few weeks ago...

why is that better.... why does it matter that it akash providers cache the latest, can't be worse than running an old version, without fixes for modern security considerations.

if its such an issue, shouldn't there be a time limit on the caching... rather than just making all templates flawed.

andy108369 commented 1 year ago


you are saying its better to run a version that is 1 year old, rather than a new version that was updated a few weeks ago...

The issue lies in how Akash handles Docker images tagged as :latest. When you update the :latest image on a registry like GHCR or Docker Hub, Akash doesn't automatically pull the new version. To ensure Akash uses the most recent image, you must explicitly specify the image's SHA-256 hash, like this:

image: quay.io/vmware-tanzu/velero:latest@sha256:a75f9e8c3ced3943515f249597be389f8233e1258d289b11184796edceaa7dab

Without this explicit identifier, Akash might use an outdated :latest image from its cache, giving you a false sense of security about running the most current version.

Furthermore, Akash doesn't automatically update Docker images. So if you've been running an image tagged as :latest for a year, it's likely outdated by now.

For what it's worth, there's an upcoming fix for this non-standard behavior; the behavior of the :latest tag will be corrected once this pull request is merged (see also the related issue).

Until that happens, it's advisable to use images with known, specific tags. Using the :latest tag is generally discouraged in production environments for a good reason: if something goes wrong, it becomes difficult for operators and developers to determine which version was actually running under the :latest tag, complicating any retrospective analysis.

SGC41 commented 11 months ago

okay you win... i fixed it.. let me know if i missed doing something .... merge merge merge :D

Dimokus88 commented 7 months ago

This template is working and ready to be merged @arno01