Closed wojciechowskip closed 3 months ago
@wojciechowskip Which node image are you trying to run?
@wojciechowskip Which node image are you trying to run?
@tombeynon is there a chance you could take a look whats causing the issue and potentially solve it this month? I was testing akash network cosmos node and I was able to setup node for different networks but not a cosmoshub one. My suspicions are around this chain json provided to image: CHAIN_JSON= Isn't that missing something? Or providing wrong information?
Are you aware if it will work with any historical image?
I was using default config provided in the link provided in last comment.
Very strange - I've tested the image and it works fine for me. Could you try restoring from a snapshot if you haven't already?
Very strange - I've tested the image and it works fine for me. Could you try restoring from a snapshot if you haven't already?
I've tried and getting this kind of errror:
Error: failed to start PEX: seed node configuration has error: address (null) does not contain ID
My config:
version: "2.0"
- port: 26657
as: 80
- global: true
- port: 26656
- global: true
- MONIKER=node_1
- >-
- >-
units: 4
size: 16Gi
- size: 100Gi
denom: uakt
amount: 1000
- akash1365yvmc4s7awdyj3n2sav7xfx76adc6dnmlx63
host: akash
profile: node
count: 1
Complete logs:
node]: Polkachu statesync is not active for this chain
[node]: {"app_message":{"auth":{"accounts":[],"params":{"max_memo_characters":"256","sig_verify_cost_ed25519":"590","sig_verify_cost_secp256k1":"1000","tx_sig_limit":"7","tx_size_cost_per_byte":"10"}},"authz":{"authorization":[]},"bank":{"balances":[],"denom_metadata":[],"params":{"default_send_enabled":true,"send_enabled":[]},"supply":[]},"capability":{"index":"1","owners":[]},"crisis":{"constant_fee":{"amount":"1000","denom":"stake"}},"distribution":{"delegator_starting_infos":[],"delegator_withdraw_infos":[],"fee_pool":{"community_pool":[]},"outstanding_rewards":[],"params":{"base_proposer_reward":"0.010000000000000000","bonus_proposer_reward":"0.040000000000000000","community_tax":"0.020000000000000000","withdraw_addr_enabled":true},"previous_proposer":"","validator_accumulated_commissions":[],"validator_current_rewards":[],"validator_historical_rewards":[],"validator_slash_events":[]},"evidence":{"evidence":[]},"feegrant":{"allowances":[]},"genutil":{"gen_txs":[]},"globalfee":{"params":{"bypass_min_fee_msg_types":["/","/","/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient","/","/"],"max_total_bypass_min_fee_msg_gas_usage":"1000000","minimum_gas_prices":[]}},"gov":{"deposit_params":{"max_deposit_period":"172800s","min_deposit":[{"amount":"10000000","denom":"stake"}]},"deposits":[],"proposals":[],"starting_proposal_id":"1","tally_params":{"quorum":"0.334000000000000000","threshold":"0.500000000000000000","veto_threshold":"0.334000000000000000"},"votes":[],"voting_params":{"voting_period":"172800s"}},"ibc":{"channel_genesis":{"ack_sequences":[],"acknowledgements":[],"channels":[],"commitments":[],"next_channel_sequence":"0","receipts":[],"recv_sequences":[],"send_sequences":[]},"client_genesis":{"clients":[],"clients_consensus":[],"clients_metadata":[],"create_localhost":false,"next_client_sequence":"0","params":{"allowed_clients":["06-solomachine","07-tendermint"]}},"connection_genesis":{"client_connection_paths":[],"connections":[],"next_connection_sequence":"0","params":{"max_expected_time_per_block":"30000000000"}}},"interchainaccounts":{"controller_genesis_state":{"active_channels":[],"interchain_accounts":[],"params":{"controller_enabled":true},"ports":[]},"host_genesis_state":{"active_channels":[],"interchain_accounts":[],"params":{"allow_messages":[],"host_enabled":true},"port":"icahost"}},"mint":{"minter":{"annual_provisions":"0.000000000000000000","inflation":"0.130000000000000000"},"params":{"blocks_per_year":"6311520","goal_bonded":"0.670000000000000000","inflation_max":"0.200000000000000000","inflation_min":"0.070000000000000000","inflation_rate_change":"0.130000000000000000","mint_denom":"stake"}},"packetfowardmiddleware":{"in_flight_packets":{},"params":{"fee_percentage":"0.000000000000000000"}},"params":null,"provider":{"consumer_addition_proposals":[],"consumer_addrs_to_prune":[],"consumer_removal_proposals":[],"consumer_states":[],"mature_unbonding_ops":null,"params":{"ccv_timeout_period":"2419200s","consumer_reward_denom_registration_fee":{"amount":"10000000","denom":"stake"},"init_timeout_period":"604800s","max_throttled_packets":"100000","slash_meter_replenish_fraction":"0.05","slash_meter_replenish_period":"3600s","template_client":{"allow_update_after_expiry":true,"allow_update_after_misbehaviour":true,"chain_id":"","frozen_height":{"revision_height":"0","revision_number":"0"},"latest_height":{"revision_height":"0","revision_number":"0"},"max_clock_drift":"10s","proof_specs":[{"inner_spec":{"child_order":[0,1],"child_size":33,"empty_child":null,"hash":"SHA256","max_prefix_length":12,"min_prefix_length":4},"leaf_spec":{"hash":"SHA256","length":"VAR_PROTO","prefix":"AA==","prehash_key":"NO_HASH","prehash_value":"SHA256"},"max_depth":0,"min_depth":0},{"inner_spec":{"child_order":[0,1],"child_size":32,"empty_child":null,"hash":"SHA256","max_prefix_length":1,"min_prefix_length":1},"leaf_spec":{"hash":"SHA256","length":"VAR_PROTO","prefix":"AA==","prehash_key":"NO_HASH","prehash_value":"SHA256"},"max_depth":0,"min_depth":0}],"trust_level":{"denominator":"3","numerator":"1"},"trusting_period":"0s","unbonding_period":"0s","upgrade_path":["upgrade","upgradedIBCState"]},"trusting_period_fraction":"0.66","vsc_timeout_period":"3024000s"},"unbonding_ops":[],"validator_consumer_pubkeys":[],"validators_by_consumer_addr":[],"valset_update_id":"1","valset_update_id_to_height":[]},"slashing":{"missed_blocks":[],"params":{"downtime_jail_duration":"600s","min_signed_per_window":"0.500000000000000000","signed_blocks_window":"100","slash_fraction_double_sign":"0.050000000000000000","slash_fraction_downtime":"0.010000000000000000"},"signing_infos":[]},"staking":{"delegations":[],"exported":false,"last_tokenize_share_record_id":"0","last_total_power":"0","last_validator_powers":[],"params":{"bond_denom":"stake","global_liquid_staking_cap":"1.000000000000000000","historical_entries":10000,"max_entries":7,"max_validators":100,"unbonding_time":"1814400s","validator_bond_factor":"-1.000000000000000000","validator_liquid_staking_cap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[node]: Downloading genesis
[node]: Downloading snapshot from
[node]: 90.0MiB 0:00:05 [17.8MiB/s] [17.8MiB/s] [> ] 1% ETA 0:06:04
[node]: 156MiB 0:00:10 [13.3MiB/s] [15.6MiB/s] [> ] 2% ETA 0:06:55
[node]: 205MiB 0:00:15 [9.89MiB/s] [13.7MiB/s] [> ] 3% ETA 0:07:50
[node]: 252MiB 0:00:20 [9.46MiB/s] [12.6MiB/s] [> ] 3% ETA 0:08:26
[node]: 295MiB 0:00:25 [8.54MiB/s] [11.8MiB/s] [> ] 4% ETA 0:08:57
[node]: 338MiB 0:00:30 [8.63MiB/s] [11.3MiB/s] [> ] 5% ETA 0:09:19
[node]: 381MiB 0:00:35 [8.57MiB/s] [10.9MiB/s] [> ] 5% ETA 0:09:35
[node]: 403MiB 0:00:40 [4.42MiB/s] [10.1MiB/s] [> ] 6% ETA 0:10:19
[node]: 424MiB 0:00:45 [4.14MiB/s] [9.43MiB/s] [> ] 6% ETA 0:11:00
[node]: 444MiB 0:00:50 [4.13MiB/s] [8.90MiB/s] [> ] 6% ETA 0:11:37
[node]: 467MiB 0:00:55 [4.48MiB/s] [8.49MiB/s] [> ] 7% ETA 0:12:07
[node]: 491MiB 0:01:00 [4.91MiB/s] [8.20MiB/s] [> ] 7% ETA 0:12:30
[node]: 523MiB 0:01:05 [6.27MiB/s] [8.05MiB/s] [> ] 7% ETA 0:12:41
[node]: 556MiB 0:01:10 [6.62MiB/s] [7.95MiB/s] [> ] 8% ETA 0:12:46
[node]: 585MiB 0:01:15 [5.78MiB/s] [7.80MiB/s] [> ] 8% ETA 0:12:56
[node]: 614MiB 0:01:20 [5.87MiB/s] [7.68MiB/s] [> ] 9% ETA 0:13:05
[node]: 648MiB 0:01:25 [6.80MiB/s] [7.63MiB/s] [> ] 9% ETA 0:13:06
[node]: 699MiB 0:01:30 [10.3MiB/s] [7.78MiB/s] [=> ] 10% ETA 0:12:45
[node]: 760MiB 0:01:35 [12.2MiB/s] [8.01MiB/s] [=> ] 11% ETA 0:12:15
[node]: 824MiB 0:01:40 [12.9MiB/s] [8.25MiB/s] [=> ] 12% ETA 0:11:45
[node]: 894MiB 0:01:45 [13.9MiB/s] [8.52MiB/s] [=> ] 13% ETA 0:11:15
[node]: 973MiB 0:01:50 [15.8MiB/s] [8.85MiB/s] [==> ] 14% ETA 0:10:41
[node]: 1.04GiB 0:01:55 [17.7MiB/s] [9.23MiB/s] [==> ] 15% ETA 0:10:04
[node]: 1.13GiB 0:02:00 [18.6MiB/s] [9.63MiB/s] [==> ] 17% ETA 0:09:30
[node]: 1.21GiB 0:02:05 [16.2MiB/s] [9.89MiB/s] [==> ] 18% ETA 0:09:07
[node]: 1.28GiB 0:02:10 [14.9MiB/s] [10.1MiB/s] [===> ] 19% ETA 0:08:49
[node]: 1.35GiB 0:02:15 [15.3MiB/s] [10.3MiB/s] [===> ] 20% ETA 0:08:31
[node]: 1.43GiB 0:02:20 [15.7MiB/s] [10.5MiB/s] [===> ] 22% ETA 0:08:14
[node]: 1.52GiB 0:02:25 [18.8MiB/s] [10.8MiB/s] [====> ] 23% ETA 0:07:52
[node]: 1.66GiB 0:02:30 [28.4MiB/s] [11.3MiB/s] [====> ] 25% ETA 0:07:15
[node]: 1.83GiB 0:02:35 [33.9MiB/s] [12.1MiB/s] [=====> ] 28% ETA 0:06:35
[node]: 1.94GiB 0:02:40 [22.5MiB/s] [12.4MiB/s] [=====> ] 29% ETA 0:06:15
[node]: 2.02GiB 0:02:45 [16.9MiB/s] [12.5MiB/s] [=====> ] 31% ETA 0:06:05
[node]: 2.10GiB 0:02:50 [17.3MiB/s] [12.7MiB/s] [======> ] 32% ETA 0:05:54
[node]: 2.19GiB 0:02:55 [16.8MiB/s] [12.8MiB/s] [======> ] 33% ETA 0:05:44
[node]: 2.23GiB 0:03:00 [9.84MiB/s] [12.7MiB/s] [======> ] 34% ETA 0:05:43
[node]: 2.28GiB 0:03:05 [9.43MiB/s] [12.6MiB/s] [======> ] 35% ETA 0:05:41
[node]: 2.33GiB 0:03:10 [9.75MiB/s] [12.5MiB/s] [======> ] 35% ETA 0:05:39
[node]: 2.39GiB 0:03:15 [12.1MiB/s] [12.5MiB/s] [======> ] 36% ETA 0:05:35
[node]: 2.46GiB 0:03:20 [14.7MiB/s] [12.6MiB/s] [=======> ] 37% ETA 0:05:28
[node]: 2.52GiB 0:03:25 [13.0MiB/s] [12.6MiB/s] [=======> ] 38% ETA 0:05:22
[node]: 2.59GiB 0:03:30 [14.1MiB/s] [12.6MiB/s] [=======> ] 39% ETA 0:05:16
[node]: 2.66GiB 0:03:35 [14.1MiB/s] [12.7MiB/s] [=======> ] 40% ETA 0:05:09
[node]: 2.75GiB 0:03:40 [17.5MiB/s] [12.8MiB/s] [========> ] 42% ETA 0:05:00
[node]: 2.82GiB 0:03:45 [14.8MiB/s] [12.8MiB/s] [========> ] 43% ETA 0:04:53
[node]: 2.89GiB 0:03:50 [15.3MiB/s] [12.9MiB/s] [========> ] 44% ETA 0:04:46
[node]: 2.97GiB 0:03:55 [15.2MiB/s] [12.9MiB/s] [========> ] 45% ETA 0:04:39
[node]: 3.05GiB 0:04:00 [17.6MiB/s] [13.0MiB/s] [=========> ] 47% ETA 0:04:30
[node]: 3.14GiB 0:04:05 [18.0MiB/s] [13.1MiB/s] [=========> ] 48% ETA 0:04:21
[node]: 3.24GiB 0:04:10 [20.2MiB/s] [13.3MiB/s] [=========> ] 49% ETA 0:04:11
[node]: 3.32GiB 0:04:15 [17.4MiB/s] [13.3MiB/s] [==========> ] 51% ETA 0:04:03
[node]: 3.41GiB 0:04:20 [17.8MiB/s] [13.4MiB/s] [==========> ] 52% ETA 0:03:54
[node]: 3.49GiB 0:04:25 [15.7MiB/s] [13.5MiB/s] [==========> ] 53% ETA 0:03:48
[node]: 3.54GiB 0:04:30 [11.1MiB/s] [13.4MiB/s] [==========> ] 54% ETA 0:03:44
[node]: 3.59GiB 0:04:35 [10.3MiB/s] [13.4MiB/s] [===========> ] 55% ETA 0:03:42
[node]: 3.64GiB 0:04:40 [10.2MiB/s] [13.3MiB/s] [===========> ] 56% ETA 0:03:39
[node]: 3.69GiB 0:04:45 [10.5MiB/s] [13.3MiB/s] [===========> ] 56% ETA 0:03:36
[node]: 3.75GiB 0:04:50 [11.2MiB/s] [13.2MiB/s] [===========> ] 57% ETA 0:03:32
[node]: 3.80GiB 0:04:55 [11.5MiB/s] [13.2MiB/s] [===========> ] 58% ETA 0:03:28
[node]: 3.87GiB 0:05:00 [14.1MiB/s] [13.2MiB/s] [===========> ] 59% ETA 0:03:22
[node]: 3.98GiB 0:05:05 [22.5MiB/s] [13.4MiB/s] [============> ] 61% ETA 0:03:12
[node]: 4.09GiB 0:05:10 [22.0MiB/s] [13.5MiB/s] [============> ] 62% ETA 0:03:02
[node]: 4.18GiB 0:05:15 [18.3MiB/s] [13.6MiB/s] [=============> ] 64% ETA 0:02:54
[node]: 4.27GiB 0:05:20 [18.0MiB/s] [13.7MiB/s] [=============> ] 65% ETA 0:02:46
[node]: 4.36GiB 0:05:25 [18.3MiB/s] [13.7MiB/s] [=============> ] 67% ETA 0:02:39
[node]: 4.45GiB 0:05:30 [20.2MiB/s] [13.8MiB/s] [=============> ] 68% ETA 0:02:30
[node]: 4.54GiB 0:05:35 [18.1MiB/s] [13.9MiB/s] [==============> ] 69% ETA 0:02:23
[node]: 4.61GiB 0:05:40 [14.5MiB/s] [13.9MiB/s] [==============> ] 71% ETA 0:02:18
[node]: 4.67GiB 0:05:45 [11.0MiB/s] [13.9MiB/s] [==============> ] 71% ETA 0:02:14
[node]: 4.71GiB 0:05:50 [9.55MiB/s] [13.8MiB/s] [==============> ] 72% ETA 0:02:12
[node]: 4.76GiB 0:05:55 [9.16MiB/s] [13.7MiB/s] [===============> ] 73% ETA 0:02:09
[node]: 4.81GiB 0:06:00 [9.67MiB/s] [13.7MiB/s] [===============> ] 74% ETA 0:02:06
[node]: 4.87GiB 0:06:05 [12.8MiB/s] [13.7MiB/s] [===============> ] 74% ETA 0:02:01
[node]: 4.98GiB 0:06:10 [22.7MiB/s] [13.8MiB/s] [===============> ] 76% ETA 0:01:52
[node]: 5.13GiB 0:06:15 [29.9MiB/s] [14.0MiB/s] [================> ] 78% ETA 0:01:39
[node]: 5.23GiB 0:06:20 [20.7MiB/s] [14.1MiB/s] [================> ] 80% ETA 0:01:32
[node]: 5.31GiB 0:06:25 [16.4MiB/s] [14.1MiB/s] [================> ] 81% ETA 0:01:26
[node]: 5.38GiB 0:06:30 [14.3MiB/s] [14.1MiB/s] [=================> ] 82% ETA 0:01:20
[node]: 5.43GiB 0:06:35 [10.0MiB/s] [14.1MiB/s] [=================> ] 83% ETA 0:01:17
[node]: 5.47GiB 0:06:40 [9.45MiB/s] [14.0MiB/s] [=================> ] 84% ETA 0:01:14
[node]: 5.52GiB 0:06:45 [9.62MiB/s] [14.0MiB/s] [=================> ] 85% ETA 0:01:11
[node]: 5.58GiB 0:06:50 [12.0MiB/s] [13.9MiB/s] [=================> ] 85% ETA 0:01:07
[node]: 5.64GiB 0:06:55 [12.5MiB/s] [13.9MiB/s] [=================> ] 86% ETA 0:01:02
[node]: 5.71GiB 0:07:00 [15.0MiB/s] [13.9MiB/s] [==================> ] 87% ETA 0:00:57
[node]: 5.78GiB 0:07:05 [14.9MiB/s] [13.9MiB/s] [==================> ] 89% ETA 0:00:52
[node]: 5.87GiB 0:07:10 [18.1MiB/s] [14.0MiB/s] [==================> ] 90% ETA 0:00:45
[node]: 6.01GiB 0:07:15 [27.6MiB/s] [14.1MiB/s] [===================> ] 92% ETA 0:00:35
[node]: 6.14GiB 0:07:20 [26.1MiB/s] [14.3MiB/s] [===================> ] 94% ETA 0:00:25
[node]: 6.26GiB 0:07:25 [25.6MiB/s] [14.4MiB/s] [====================> ] 96% ETA 0:00:16
[node]: 6.33GiB 0:07:30 [14.7MiB/s] [14.4MiB/s] [====================> ] 97% ETA 0:00:11
[node]: 6.42GiB 0:07:35 [17.6MiB/s] [14.4MiB/s] [====================> ] 98% ETA 0:00:05
[node]: 2023-11-18 15:11:56 URL: [6971515941/6971515941] -> "-" [1]
[node]: 6.49GiB 0:07:39 [14.5MiB/s] [14.5MiB/s] [====================>] 100%
[node]: Running 'gaiad start'...
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [1m[31mERR[0m[0m WARNING: The minimum-gas-prices config in app.toml is set to the empty string. This defaults to 0 in the current version, but will error in the next version (SDK v0.45). Please explicitly put the desired minimum-gas-prices in your app.toml.
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m starting node with ABCI Tendermint in-process
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mimpl=[0mmultiAppConn [36mmodule=[0mproxy [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mconnection=[0mquery [36mimpl=[0mlocalClient [36mmodule=[0mabci-client [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mconnection=[0msnapshot [36mimpl=[0mlocalClient [36mmodule=[0mabci-client [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mconnection=[0mmempool [36mimpl=[0mlocalClient [36mmodule=[0mabci-client [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mconnection=[0mconsensus [36mimpl=[0mlocalClient [36mmodule=[0mabci-client [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mimpl=[0mEventBus [36mmodule=[0mevents [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mimpl=[0mPubSub [36mmodule=[0mpubsub [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mimpl=[0mIndexerService [36mmodule=[0mtxindex [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m ABCI Handshake App Info [36mhash=[0m"��\x1d1+�`l���э-*犄r�X������x}\x05�}" [36mheight=[0m17903466 [36mmodule=[0mconsensus [36mprotocol-version=[0m0 [36msoftware-version=[0mv13.0.2
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m ABCI Replay Blocks [36mappHeight=[0m17903466 [36mmodule=[0mconsensus [36mstateHeight=[0m17903466 [36mstoreHeight=[0m17903466
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m Completed ABCI Handshake - CometBFT and App are synced [36mappHash=[0m"��\x1d1+�`l���э-*犄r�X������x}\x05�}" [36mappHeight=[0m17903466 [36mmodule=[0mconsensus
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m Version info [36mabci=[0m0.17.0 [36mblock=[0m11 [36mcmtbft_version=[0m0.34.29 [36mcommit_hash=[0m [36mp2p=[0m8
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m This node is not a validator [36maddr=[0mB2316F18D8025120EC8006CAEE30644A6B324C1E [36mmodule=[0mconsensus [36mpubKey=[0mtu9I+ejAjXKj1aFj2INRZXV8NsOZmL0o+6C1+sLCgXU=
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m P2P Node ID [36mID=[0mfabfa21674c97537017703e4b9b5fcde87d97be2 [36mfile=[0m/root/.gaia/config/node_key.json [36mmodule=[0mp2p
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m Adding persistent peers [36maddrs=[0m["d6318b3bd51a5e2b8ed08f2e520d50289ed32bf1@","b0e746acb6fbed7a0311fe21cfb2ee94581ca3bc@","","","01c0d24922dcdf6f8816ec814a5c3436c5d5fbc5@","",""] [36mmodule=[0mp2p
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m Adding unconditional peer ids [36mids=[0m[] [36mmodule=[0mp2p
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m Add our address to book [36maddr=[0m{"id":"fabfa21674c97537017703e4b9b5fcde87d97be2","ip":"","port":26656} [36mbook=[0m/root/.gaia/config/addrbook.json [36mmodule=[0mp2p
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mimpl=[0mNode [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:11PM[0m [32mINF[0m Starting pprof server [36mladdr=[0mlocalhost:6060
[node]: [90m3:12PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mimpl=[0m"P2P Switch" [36mmodule=[0mp2p [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:12PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mimpl=[0mBlockchainReactor [36mmodule=[0mblockchain [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:12PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mimpl=[0mBlockPool [36mmodule=[0mblockchain [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:12PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mimpl=[0mConsensusReactor [36mmodule=[0mconsensus [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:12PM[0m [32mINF[0m serve [36mmodule=[0mrpc-server [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:12PM[0m [32mINF[0m Reactor [36mmodule=[0mconsensus [36mwaitSync=[0mtrue
[node]: [90m3:12PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mimpl=[0mEvidence [36mmodule=[0mevidence [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:12PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mimpl=[0mStateSync [36mmodule=[0mstatesync [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:12PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mimpl=[0mPEX [36mmodule=[0mpex [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: [90m3:12PM[0m [32mINF[0m service start [36mbook=[0m/root/.gaia/config/addrbook.json [36mimpl=[0mAddrBook [36mmodule=[0mp2p [36mmsg=[0m{}
[node]: Error: failed to start PEX: seed node configuration has error: address (null) does not contain ID
[node]: Usage:
[node]: gaiad start [flags]
[node]: Flags:
[node]: --abci string specify abci transport (socket | grpc) (default "socket")
[node]: --address string Listen address (default "tcp://")
[node]: --consensus.create_empty_blocks set this to false to only produce blocks when there are txs or when the AppHash changes (default true)
[node]: --consensus.create_empty_blocks_interval string the possible interval between empty blocks (default "0s")
[node]: --consensus.double_sign_check_height int how many blocks to look back to check existence of the node's consensus votes before joining consensus
[node]: --cpu-profile string Enable CPU profiling and write to the provided file
[node]: --db_backend string database backend: goleveldb | cleveldb | boltdb | rocksdb | badgerdb (default "goleveldb")
[node]: --db_dir string database directory (default "data")
[node]: --fast_sync fast blockchain syncing (default true)
[node]: --genesis_hash bytesHex optional SHA-256 hash of the genesis file
[node]: --grpc-only Start the node in gRPC query only mode (no Tendermint process is started)
[node]: --grpc-web.address string The gRPC-Web server address to listen on (default "")
[node]: --grpc-web.enable Define if the gRPC-Web server should be enabled. (Note: gRPC must also be enabled.) (default true)
[node]: --grpc.address string the gRPC server address to listen on (default "")
[node]: --grpc.enable Define if the gRPC server should be enabled (default true)
[node]: --halt-height uint Block height at which to gracefully halt the chain and shutdown the node
[node]: --halt-time uint Minimum block time (in Unix seconds) at which to gracefully halt the chain and shutdown the node
[node]: -h, --help help for start
[node]: --home string The application home directory (default "/root/.gaia")
[node]: --iavl-disable-fastnode Disable fast node for IAVL tree (default true)
[node]: --inter-block-cache Enable inter-block caching (default true)
[node]: --inv-check-period uint Assert registered invariants every N blocks
[node]: --min-retain-blocks uint Minimum block height offset during ABCI commit to prune Tendermint blocks
[node]: --minimum-gas-prices string Minimum gas prices to accept for transactions; Any fee in a tx must meet this minimum (e.g. 0.01photino;0.0001stake)
[node]: --moniker string node name (default "node-84487c8cc-zpvzt")
[node]: --p2p.external-address string ip:port address to advertise to peers for them to dial
[node]: --p2p.laddr string node listen address. ( means any interface, any port) (default "tcp://")
[node]: --p2p.persistent_peers string comma-delimited ID@host:port persistent peers
[node]: --p2p.pex enable/disable Peer-Exchange (default true)
[node]: --p2p.private_peer_ids string comma-delimited private peer IDs
[node]: --p2p.seed_mode enable/disable seed mode
[node]: --p2p.seeds string comma-delimited ID@host:port seed nodes
[node]: --p2p.unconditional_peer_ids string comma-delimited IDs of unconditional peers
[node]: --p2p.upnp enable/disable UPNP port forwarding
[node]: --priv_validator_laddr string socket address to listen on for connections from external priv_validator process
[node]: --proxy_app string proxy app address, or one of: 'kvstore', 'persistent_kvstore', 'counter', 'e2e' or 'noop' for local testing. (default "tcp://")
[node]: --pruning string Pruning strategy (default|nothing|everything|custom) (default "default")
[node]: --pruning-interval uint Height interval at which pruned heights are removed from disk (ignored if pruning is not 'custom')
[node]: --pruning-keep-every uint Offset heights to keep on disk after 'keep-every' (ignored if pruning is not 'custom')
[node]: --pruning-keep-recent uint Number of recent heights to keep on disk (ignored if pruning is not 'custom')
[node]: --rpc.grpc_laddr string GRPC listen address (BroadcastTx only). Port required
[node]: --rpc.laddr string RPC listen address. Port required (default "tcp://")
[node]: --rpc.pprof_laddr string pprof listen address (
[node]: --rpc.unsafe enabled unsafe rpc methods
[node]: --state-sync.snapshot-interval uint State sync snapshot interval
[node]: --state-sync.snapshot-keep-recent uint32 State sync snapshot to keep (default 2)
[node]: --trace Provide full stack traces for errors in ABCI Log
[node]: --trace-store string Enable KVStore tracing to an output file
[node]: --transport string Transport protocol: socket, grpc (default "socket")
[node]: --unsafe-skip-upgrades ints Skip a set of upgrade heights to continue the old binary
[node]: --with-tendermint Run abci app embedded in-process with tendermint (default true)
[node]: --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants Skip x/crisis invariants check on startup
[node]: Global Flags:
[node]: --log_format string The logging format (json|plain) (default "plain")
[node]: --log_level string The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) (default "info")
@tombeynon OK I made it work using configuration pasted below. Can you also tell me how I cam configure node to support REST api? I was trying to expose port 1317 but without a result.
version: "2.0"
- MONIKER=polli
- port: 26657
as: 80
- global: true
- port: 26656
- global: true
# params:
# storage:
# data:
# mount: /root/.gaia
units: 4
size: 16Gi
size: 100Gi
# - size: 100Mi
# - name: data
# size: 400Gi
# attributes:
# persistent: true
host: akash
- akash1365yvmc4s7awdyj3n2sav7xfx76adc6dnmlx63
denom: uakt
amount: 1000
profile: node
count: 1
To enable to REST API for CosmosHub you set GAIAD_API_ENABLE=true
and expose port 1317
Hi, after deploying node via cloudmos it fails to to start with following error:
Any help would be appreciated. It hapens every time no matter which provider I use or what resources I will choose.
Thanks in advance