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deprecate `akash-nodes` ceph pool #110

Open andy108369 opened 11 months ago

andy108369 commented 11 months ago

It looks like akash-nodes ceph pool isn't used by anything. As I don't see any reason for it, I propose to remove it (from the docs, and provide the providers with the instructions to remove it).

@troian thoughts?

refs. https://github.com/akash-network/support/issues/97

chainzero commented 10 months ago

The akash-nodes ceph pool references have been removed from documentation.

Leaving issue open as the second piece of sending instructions to current/pre-existing providers for removal of askash-nodes pool has not been completed.

andy108369 commented 9 months ago

@chainzero I've created and tested the following procedure on the Hurricane provider before I'd rebuild it. We can use it:

Deprecating akash-nodes ceph pool

  1. Update rook-ceph-cluster.values.yml
    • remove akash-nodes section from cephBlockPools

The entire akash-nodes section needs to be removed, example:

  - name: akash-nodes
      failureDomain: osd
        size: 2
        min_size: "2"
      enabled: true
      name: akash-nodes
      isDefault: false
      reclaimPolicy: Delete
      allowVolumeExpansion: true
        # RBD image format. Defaults to "2".
        imageFormat: "2"
        # RBD image features. Available for imageFormat: "2". CSI RBD currently supports only `layering` feature.
        imageFeatures: layering
        # The secrets contain Ceph admin credentials.
        csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-name: rook-csi-rbd-provisioner
        csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-namespace: rook-ceph
        csi.storage.k8s.io/controller-expand-secret-name: rook-csi-rbd-provisioner
        csi.storage.k8s.io/controller-expand-secret-namespace: rook-ceph
        csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-name: rook-csi-rbd-node
        csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-namespace: rook-ceph
        # Specify the filesystem type of the volume. If not specified, csi-provisioner
        # will set default as `ext4`. Note that `xfs` is not recommended due to potential deadlock
        # in hyperconverged settings where the volume is mounted on the same node as the osds.
        csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: ext4
  1. Verify your rook-ceph version

In my case it was 1.10.11

$ helm list -A
NAME                    NAMESPACE               REVISION    UPDATED                                     STATUS      CHART                           APP VERSION
rook-ceph               rook-ceph               3           2023-05-04 17:31:55.487906039 +0200 CEST    deployed    rook-ceph-v1.10.11              v1.10.11   
rook-ceph-cluster       rook-ceph               4           2023-05-04 13:21:00.196318672 +0200 CEST    deployed    rook-ceph-cluster-v1.10.11      v1.10.11   
  1. Apply the new config

Apply the new rook-ceph-cluster.values.yml config file you have removed the akash-nodes section from cephBlockPools:

Make sure to specify the same ceph cluster version you are running! (1.10.11 in my case)

helm upgrade --create-namespace -n rook-ceph rook-ceph-cluster --set operatorNamespace=rook-ceph rook-release/rook-ceph-cluster --version 1.10.11 -f rook-ceph-cluster.values.yml
  1. Verify the change has been applied
  1. Verify Ceph cluster status is OK
kubectl -n rook-ceph get cephclusters
kubectl -n rook-ceph exec -i $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod -l "app=rook-ceph-tools" -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -- ceph status

Additional rook-ceph commands you may find useful:

kubectl -n rook-ceph exec -i $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod -l "app=rook-ceph-tools" -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -- ceph df
kubectl -n rook-ceph exec -i $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod -l "app=rook-ceph-tools" -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -- ceph osd tree
kubectl -n rook-ceph exec -i $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod -l "app=rook-ceph-tools" -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -- ceph osd pool autoscale-status
kubectl -n rook-ceph exec -i $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod -l "app=rook-ceph-tools" -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -- ceph osd pool ls detail

kubectl -n rook-ceph exec -it $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod -l "app=rook-ceph-tools" -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -- bash -c 'ceph osd pool ls | while read POOL; do echo "=== pool: $POOL ==="; rbd -p "$POOL" ls | while read VOL; do ceph osd map "$POOL" "$VOL"; done; done'

kubectl -n rook-ceph exec -i $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod -l "app=rook-ceph-tools" -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -- ceph pg ls