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Akash Support and Issue Tracking
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Provider Fails to Withdraw Funds from Lease #114

Open chainzero opened 11 months ago

chainzero commented 11 months ago

Provider version - v0.2.1


Providers failing to initiate wihdraw lease transaction on small percentage of active leases.

Example of Issue

When the lease state of this example, problem deployment is queried the escrow_payment > withdrawn > amount field is 0 despite the lease being active for several months.

provider-services query market lease get --dseq 10561974 --provider akash18ga02jzaq8cw52anyhzkwta5wygufgu6zsz6xc --owner akash1qyfg4zl2dku8ry7gjkhf88vnc3zrn6vmnzlvr9
    scope: deployment
    xid: akash1qyfg4zl2dku8ry7gjkhf88vnc3zrn6vmnzlvr9/10561974
    amount: "0.000000000000000000"
    denom: uakt
  owner: akash18ga02jzaq8cw52anyhzkwta5wygufgu6zsz6xc
  payment_id: 1/1/akash18ga02jzaq8cw52anyhzkwta5wygufgu6zsz6xc
    amount: "17.000000000000000000"
    denom: uakt
  state: open
    amount: "0"
    denom: uakt
  closed_on: "0"
  created_at: "10561981"
    dseq: "10561974"
    gseq: 1
    oseq: 1
    owner: akash1qyfg4zl2dku8ry7gjkhf88vnc3zrn6vmnzlvr9
    provider: akash18ga02jzaq8cw52anyhzkwta5wygufgu6zsz6xc
    amount: "17.000000000000000000"
    denom: uakt
  state: active

Majority of leases on this example provider are being withdrawn from properly and this issue only appears to occur on a very small subset of active leases.

Have asked provider to collect logs from time period in which lease withdraws occur daily and will attach to issue once available.

Additional Examples

provider-services query market lease list --provider akash1p5vh8dsck7mnvc5zha6u3aes0fya3lq4ec9dpy --state active

provider-services query market lease get --dseq 12305281 --provider akash1lwzjtsqkuytusa98py77cflhqxl3z7v7ur5632 --owner akash1722lgxkjze280zv2gvhr05as9vsfm704yswj2l

provider-services query market lease get --dseq 11447603 --provider akash1tweev0k42guyv3a2jtgphmgfrl2h5y2884vh9d --owner akash1srujzhj2v9fkzhnn635udlczyhdpetuh34mhad

chainzero commented 10 months ago

Attaching log provider logs for following scenario:

europlots_08172023_logs_1.txt europlots_08172023_logs_2.txt