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docs: version bump and general updates #127

Closed andy108369 closed 8 months ago

andy108369 commented 9 months ago

After having tested them on the Hurricane provider, it's time to bump the docs.


1) From the K8s control-plane node directly

export AKASH_NODE="http://$(kubectl -n akash-services get ep akash-node-1 -o jsonpath='{.subsets[0].addresses[0].ip}'):26657"

curl -s "$AKASH_NODE/status" | jq -r .

2) From a remote address (outside the K8s network)

You can use kubectl port-forward for forwarding the akash node (RPC) port 26657/tcp to your local station.

  1. Forward 26657 to

    $ kubectl -n akash-services port-forward service/akash-node-1 26657:26657
    Forwarding from -> 26657
    Forwarding from [::1]:26657 -> 26657
  2. Put the kubectl port-forward process into background

Press Ctrl+Z and type bg + Enter as follows:

[1]+  Stopped                 kubectl -n akash-services port-forward service/akash-node-1 26657:26657
$ bg
[1]+ kubectl -n akash-services port-forward service/akash-node-1 26657:26657 &
  1. After that you can access the RPC as if it were running locally
$ curl -s | jq -r .
  1. Stop kubectl port-forward after you are done
$ jobs
[1]+  Running                 kubectl -n akash-services port-forward service/akash-node-1 26657:26657 &
$ kill %1
$ jobs
[1]+  Terminated              kubectl -n akash-services port-forward service/akash-node-1 26657:26657

As well as adding the example with specifying PRICE_TARGET_CPU=1.60 PRICE_TARGET_MEMORY=0.80 ... on the CLI (also in that PR comment)

chainzero commented 8 months ago

All requested doc updates have been completed