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Feedback for small providers that getting wallet drained #180

Open AramCoin opened 5 months ago

AramCoin commented 5 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I was trying to support the project and was providing resources at a low cost to help the project via the Preactor app. Unfortunately, the system in place with create bid/ close bid / create lease (happening several times per day) / withdraw lease (everyday) & close deployment is generating too many transaction fees for no reason and drained my wallet of 5 AKT in 2 months. So without GPU lease it does not make really sense to provide resources as small provider. (8CPU / 20GB RAM / 500GB storage) I got 1 deployment of 2 CPU, 4.29GB RAM and 1GB storage only. The drainage is clearly visible on my wallet : https://www.mintscan.io/akash/address/akash1p6gzadp4dn5rxd7f32rkwvtr9gxjzmzal65e5r

Describe the solution you'd like

One solution would be to have a minimum usage from the provider that at least covers the cost of these transactions. (somedays they are multiple) Or even better these transactions should not be in place at each request as the information of the providers specifications with cost is already available when registered. The deployer could select the provider and then only the deployer would incur the cost of creating lease. Closing deployment fees should be on the deployer cost and not the provider as it is deployer choice.

Describe alternatives you've considered

The alternative today is to shut down the provider unfortunately as the earnings were like 1 AKT but the transactions fees incurred were 5 AKT. so a negative ROI (-4 AKT) + the electricity bill not counted. If the team thinks about real decentralization, this is by letting small providers to be able to generate revenues. If not it will be large data centers that will only provide the necessary resources to the network at low cost. ( whish already seems to be over-concentrated to only few providers) If small providers have to increase their price to cover these fees then we are not competitive anymore.


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Additional context

When people will realise that their wallet got drained because of the mechanism in place of the bids, they will complain and reject Akash network, even scream it as a scam... So maybe thinking about this could be a priority as it can blow up and provide wrong reputation for the long term. Especially since providers like me really want to help the project, I don't mind about the electricity fees, but losing tokens by providing resources does not make sense.the