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[audit] new provider attributes requirements: better identity (org, email, website correctness required) #196

Closed andy108369 closed 3 months ago

andy108369 commented 3 months ago

We need to recommend new standards with provider identity with support email and website correctness as requirements for us to sign. Identity is a key property for tenants to trust a provider.


andy108369 commented 3 months ago

List of current provider attributes for the providers that have been audited by akash1365yvmc4s7awdyj3n2sav7xfx76adc6dnmlx63

CLI used to generate the report:

provider-services query audit list -o json |
  jq --arg AUDITOR $AUDITOR -r '.providers[] | select(.auditor == $AUDITOR) | .owner' |
  while read PROVIDER; do
    provider-services query provider get $PROVIDER -o json | jq -r '[.owner, 
        (.attributes | map(select(.key == "host").value) | first), 
        (.attributes | map(select(.key == "tier").value) | first), 
        (.attributes | map(select(.key == "organization").value) | first),
        .host_uri] | @csv';

echo '"owner","attributes.host","attributes.tier","attributes.organization","info.email","info.website","host_uri"'

It appears that some providers removed their host / tier / organization attributes despite they were previously audited (i.e. signed).

andy108369 commented 3 months ago
andy108369 commented 3 months ago

announced https://discord.com/channels/747885925232672829/1111749248527114322/1222199208946302987

andy108369 commented 3 months ago

Updated table on 26 March 2024 16:18 UTC https://gist.github.com/andy108369/31e354e424c964d2e4426f0ba05f7e8d

Updated table on 01 April 2024 18:19 UTC https://gist.github.com/andy108369/aaf51c7aba9faf319dfadd8013a1b3e3

andy108369 commented 3 months ago

have unaudited 43 old/dead providers and those that haven't been upgrading since v0.4.8 (pre-feature-discovery).

Have announced in the #providers-attributes Discord channel, asking those from the list who wants to be re-audited to contact me or write in the providers Discord channel https://discord.com/channels/747885925232672829/1111749248527114322/1224434377690190005

andy108369 commented 2 months ago

Updated table on 20 April 2024 18:00 UTC https://gist.github.com/andy108369/a7a84f75c63032573d9fdbabcc5ad09d