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research how to auth. with private docker repos #54

Open hydrogen18 opened 3 years ago

hydrogen18 commented 3 years ago

The current SDL has us passing in a docker container URL to kubernetes. Kubernetes pulls it down. We should be able to add support for the SDL including some sort of token or username & password & have the provider pass that to kubernetes so it can pull down the container image from a private repo.

We need to find out how private docker repos work & support whatever auth method is used by the most popular implementations. This issue is just to figure out how that works & how to pass the data to kubernetes, implementation can be another issue

troian commented 2 years ago

we should be able to do it now with service.params section introduced in akash-network/node#1348

hydrogen18 commented 2 years ago

@boz was this added by @arijitAD ? I can't remember.

boz commented 2 years ago

it was added for providers but not for tenants via sdl

andy108369 commented 1 year ago

We need to find out how private docker repos work & support whatever auth method is used by the most popular implementations. This issue is just to figure out how that works & how to pass the data to kubernetes, implementation can be another issue

We are currently adding the GH tokens to the service account of the deployment for accessing the private GHCR repo:

ns=$(provider-services show-cluster-ns --provider akash15tl6v6gd0nte0syyxnv57zmmspgju4c3xfmdhk)

# add docker-registry token so the image can be pulled off of the private registry
read -s CR_PAT

kubectl -n $ns create secret docker-registry akash-ghcr-secret \
  --docker-server=ghcr.io \
  --docker-username=ghcr-ro \
  --docker-password=$CR_PAT \

kubectl -n $ns patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "akash-ghcr-secret"}]}'
kubectl -n $ns rollout restart deployment
kubectl -n $ns get pods -o wide