akash-network / website

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Getting Started section reorg #179

Open tgrecojs opened 2 months ago

tgrecojs commented 2 months ago

The Getting Started section is in need of an overhaul and so in this issue I've included screenshot of the getting started section with some proposed changes. I apologize in advance if it looks a bit cluttered! Please read into each section below to get a better understanding of what i'm proposing and also please comment below your thoughts.


Summary of proposed changes

1. Intro to Akash Section

I think the "Getting Started" does a great job of appealing to a wide audience. Both groups of people, technical and non-technical, can read through it and get the information they need to continue moving forward with making use of the network. That said, it's essentially a FAQ page so if this #76 is still something we're interested in, then I'm curious to here peoples thoughts on transforming this section into the FAQ page.

2. Consolidate Providers, RPC Nodes, and Validators section into one.

These sections are all fairly closely related. Taking this into account, along with the fact that each page contains a fairly small amount of text, I'm proposing that we merge all of these sections into one section, name TBD.

3. Move sections into "deployments category"

I don't think there is much benefit to having these pages baked into the first section of the docs. They actually contain some really useful information, however this information isn't what i would consider to be "entry level", which is why i'm proposing moving the OSEQ, DSEQ, GSEQ and SDL pages are best suited for the "deployments" section.

Also, there is currently a need for the "Akash CLI" section to be re-written, and I think this is an opportunity to supplement the new, useful guides present within that section

Szu-Szu commented 1 month ago

I like most of your suggestions here. I'll have my own reorg map done fairly soon. I will post here.