akash-network / website

Repo for the Akash Network Website.
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Update Akash Ecosystem page with the latest relevant projects #336

Open aktdenis opened 3 weeks ago

aktdenis commented 3 weeks ago

We need to update this page with new projects: https://akash.network/ecosystem/deployed-on-akash/latest/

This is how projects are added to the ecosystem: https://github.com/akash-network/website?tab=readme-ov-file#how-to-contribute-a-project-to-the-ecosystem

Let's start by creating a list of projects in the comments below.

aktdenis commented 3 weeks ago

Let's move the "AI & ML" category to the top of the list, below "All".

aktdenis commented 3 weeks ago

When switching categories on "Deployed on Akash", order categories keep switching. It should stay the same.

Link: https://akash.network/ecosystem/deployed-on-akash/dev%20tool/latest/1/

brewsterdrinkwater commented 3 weeks ago

Add the following orgs to the ecosystem page:

ShinySyntax commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, @aktdenis I can do it. Can I take on this issue?

ShinySyntax commented 3 weeks ago


aktdenis commented 3 weeks ago

Adding categories to each of the projects, links to twitter and website.

aktdenis commented 3 weeks ago

@kindlyman343423 feel free to work on this one. appreciate your help

ShinySyntax commented 3 weeks ago

You are welcome

aktdenis commented 3 weeks ago

One more:

Prime Intellect Text: Prime Intellect leverages Akash Supercloud's high-performance GPUs, like NVIDIA H100 and A100, to democratize AI development. Twitter: Web: https://www.primeintellect.ai/ Web: https://twitter.com/PrimeIntellect

aktdenis commented 3 weeks ago

Adding two descriptions for: Flock.io text: Flock.io is advancing open, decentralized AI by integrating with Akash's Supercloud, making it simple for developers to access high-performance compute for training AI models.

Brev.Dev (acquired by NVIDIA) text: Brev.dev, known for its seamless setup of Jupyter notebooks for AI development, has integrated with Akash Network, enabling scalable, permissionless access to NVIDIA GPUs.

ShinySyntax commented 3 weeks ago

I got it.

ShinySyntax commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, @aktdenis I have done this task. Plz check this. https://github.com/akash-network/website/pull/338

aktdenis commented 3 weeks ago

@brewsterdrinkwater @HoomanDgtl @kindlyman343423

i suggest we update this section with the same PR

Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 18 31 01

maybe with these projects: Venice AI Brev.dev (acq. by NVidia) Nous Research

cc @zachhorn for approval

forbesus commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @aktdenis I wanna contribute on this project

ShinySyntax commented 3 weeks ago

@brewsterdrinkwater @HoomanDgtl @kindlyman343423

i suggest we update this section with the same PR

Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 18 31 01

maybe with these projects: Venice AI Brev.dev (acq. by NVidia) Nous Research

cc @zachhorn for approval

Hello, @aktdenis I will take this.

aktdenis commented 3 weeks ago

hey @forbesus @ShinySyntax , thanks for showing interest in this issue. i'd like to hear @zachhorn thoughts before we proceed with implementation.

aktdenis commented 2 weeks ago

Here's a couple of things we need to do before closing this issue:

  1. Let's move Nodeshift to "Dev tools" category:

    Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 14 08 56
  2. And remove "DeWeb Service" from "Dev tools".

    Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 14 09 07
  3. Rename category "Dev tool" to "Dev tools"

Thank you!

ShinySyntax commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, I will take this @aktdenis

ShinySyntax commented 2 weeks ago

@aktdenis I have done. Plz check this. https://github.com/akash-network/website/pull/346

aktdenis commented 2 weeks ago

couple of updates on the ecosystem page assigned to @HoomanDgtl:

aktdenis commented 2 weeks ago
Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 18 50 50
aktdenis commented 2 weeks ago

Updated description text for Nous: Leveraging the power of Akash's decentralized cloud, Nous Research successfully trained "Nous Hermes 2," an advanced AI model built on over 1,000,000 entries of GPT-4 data. cc @zachhorn for check

ShinySyntax commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, @aktdenis I will take this

ShinySyntax commented 2 weeks ago

https://github.com/akash-network/website/pull/349 @aktdenis I have done this

aktdenis commented 11 hours ago

We would need to add these projects as well:

category: Defi, website:https://rango.exchange/integrations , x-profile:https://twitter.com/RangoExchange

category: Mining/Staking/Infrastructure, website:https://foundrydigital.com/ , x-profile:https://twitter.com/foundryservices

category: Infrastructure, website:https://www.exabits.ai/ , x-profile:https://twitter.com/exa_bits

category: Infrastructure, website: https://www.nebulablock.com/ , x-profile: https://twitter.com/nebulablockdata

category: AI/ML, website:https://goneural.ai/ , x-profile:https://twitter.com/goneuralai

category: AI/ML, website:https://mor.org/ , x-profile:https://twitter.com/MorpheusAIs

ShinySyntax commented 11 hours ago

Ok, I will got it