akashgoswami / ipm

IOTA node peer manager. Useful for monitoring IOTA peers
MIT License
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Add Dockerfile for IPM #42

Closed ixidion closed 3 years ago

ixidion commented 6 years ago

I have created a Dockerifle for IPM. I use it to setup a bundle IRI, IPM and other tools. See https://github.com/ixidion/iota-docker There is also an automated docker build: https://hub.docker.com/r/ixidion/ipm/

rosstimson commented 6 years ago

Was just about to create a Dockerfile for this only to be pleasantly surprised that someone had already created a PR for it just hours beforehand.

One slight improvement you might like to consider is changing the installation method to src rather than direct from NPM. This way people can easily build a container with the latest code from master rather than waiting for a release to be pushed to NPM. Also, it allows the maintainer to have images automatically built and tagged in Dockerhub as soon as code is tagged in Github.

Something like the following:

COPY . /usr/src/ipm
WORKDIR /usr/src/ipm
RUN npm install -g .

This results in an image similar in size to your original too so there is not real downside here.