One wants to monitor some events, or incrementing amounts (see later), on a central way.
increments can be any float (defaults to 1)
increments can have tags (eg. for a visitor count, the country, browser type and client language).
Firebase Events needs Google Analytics to be enabled; don’t want to force that..
Plausible Analytics has goals, but they a) seem to be increment-by-1 only, b) don’t have so nice graphs output as Sentry dashboard (percentiles; tag distribution)
Sentry…. TBD. What was the reason not to??
The counts would be sent with eventual consistency. Cloud Functions writes the data to eg. Firestore (see notes, later).
There’s a local dashboard in the project that reads from such (online) storage and presents the graphs to the developer.
The local dashboard feel a good approach. No need for an online admin tool. (Why do people even make those???)
Use of Firestore is not ideal (yeah, I know) but most familiar. Backend can be changed, later, since it doesn’t affect the web app.
Use case:
One wants to monitor some events, or incrementing amounts (see later), on a central way.
The counts would be sent with eventual consistency. Cloud Functions writes the data to eg. Firestore (see notes, later).
There’s a local dashboard in the project that reads from such (online) storage and presents the graphs to the developer.