akavel / rsrc

Tool for embedding .ico & manifest resources in Go programs for Windows.
MIT License
1.22k stars 122 forks source link

v2 tag is old #19

Closed tmm1 closed 3 years ago

tmm1 commented 6 years ago

Using glide with this repo recommends you use the v2 tag, but that's quite an old version. Could you either remove that tag, or tag a new release?

$ glide get github.com/akavel/rsrc
[INFO]  Preparing to install 1 package.
[INFO]  Attempting to get package github.com/akavel/rsrc
[INFO]  --> Gathering release information for github.com/akavel/rsrc
[INFO]  The package github.com/akavel/rsrc appears to have Semantic Version releases (http://semver.org).
[INFO]  The latest release is v2. You are currently not using a release. Would you like
[INFO]  to use this release? Yes (Y) or No (N)
[INFO]  The package github.com/akavel/rsrc appears to use semantic versions (http://semver.org).
[INFO]  Would you like to track the latest minor or patch releases (major.minor.patch)?
[INFO]  The choices are:
[INFO]   - Tracking minor version releases would use '>= 2.0.0, < 3.0.0' ('^2.0.0')
[INFO]   - Tracking patch version releases would use '>= 2.0.0, < 2.1.0' ('~2.0.0')
[INFO]   - Skip using ranges
[INFO]  For more information on Glide versions and ranges see https://glide.sh/docs/versions
[INFO]  Minor (M), Patch (P), or Skip Ranges (S)?