akavel / rsrc

Tool for embedding .ico & manifest resources in Go programs for Windows.
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when i use https://github.com/lxn/walk , how to use walk.NewIconFromResource #5

Closed shnmng closed 10 years ago

shnmng commented 10 years ago

I want to know when i embed a icon to *.syso file , when i use it on walk ,like this walk.NewIconFromResource("xxx") what is the xxx ?

akavel commented 10 years ago

I believe this is not possible at the moment, unfortunately. But it would probably work if you added a new function to the walk package. Looking at the code of walk.NewIconFromResource(), I see it calls win.LoadIcon. Documentation for the WinAPI function on MSDN states:

lpIconName -- The name of the icon resource to be loaded. Alternatively, this parameter can contain the resource identifier in the low-order word and zero in the high-order word. [emphasis mine]

So, you could try and copy NewIconFromResource with slight modification to something like this:

package walk

func NewIconFromResourceId(id uint16) (ic *Icon, err error) {
    hInst := win.GetModuleHandle(nil)
    if hInst == 0 {
        err = lastError("GetModuleHandle")
    if hIcon := win.LoadIcon(hInst, (*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(id)))); hIcon == 0 {
        err = lastError("LoadIcon")
    } else {
        ic = &Icon{hIcon: hIcon}

Then, you could open your binary file with some resource editor and find out what is ID of the icon (or just try a few small numbers, between 0 and 3, as the IDs are created sequentially by rsrc). The rsrc tool could help with that part if it printed IDs of resources it creates; if you'd care enough to try and add this feature to the code, I'd be very grateful if you let me merge it.

I'm not sure if it will work, sorry; unfortunately, I don't have much time now to explore this question more deeply. Hope this helps you somewhat!

lxn commented 10 years ago

Mateusz, thanks for taking the time to help with this!

StephanVerbeeck commented 5 years ago

2 steps needed for setting the same application Icon also on all GUI windows

var appIcon, _ = walk.NewIconFromResourceId(3) // number 3 is resource ID printed by RSRC.exe while making .syso file

    Title:    "YourApplication",
    Name:     "MainWindow",
    AssignTo: &mainWindow,
    Icon:     appIcon,
    MinSize:  Size{600, 400},
    Size:     Size{1024, 640},
    Layout:   HBox{MarginsZero: true},
lxn commented 5 years ago

You can also do it like this: Icon: 3, or Icon: "foo",.