akeeba / engage

Akeeba Engage - Comments for Joomla!™ articles made easy
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Backend content form language not loading correctly #232

Closed nikosdion closed 1 year ago

nikosdion commented 1 year ago

Discussed in https://github.com/akeeba/engage/discussions/231

Originally posted by **pickbaer** December 19, 2022 Hello, After updating engage to 3.2.1. the description in backend is something like this: "Information PLG_CONTENT_ENGAGE_FORM_SUBHEAD" In frontend everythings works fine. Joomla: 4.2.6 php: 8.1.13 MySQLi 10.4.27-MariaDB What to do? New installation doesn't help. greetings from germany, pickbaer