akeeba / engage

Akeeba Engage - Comments for Joomla!™ articles made easy
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500 error on saving comment #236

Closed PMWilliams123 closed 1 year ago

PMWilliams123 commented 1 year ago

Please read the README.md in the repository's root and the support resources before submitting an issue.

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captcha then return to the original page

What actually happened.

500 error but comment added to Akeba Engage: Comments

Fatal error: Trait "Akeeba\Component\ATS\Administrator\Mixin\RunPluginsTrait" not found in /homepages/19/d531947429/htdocs/bookStore-Test/administrator/components/com_engage/src/Service/CacheCleaner.php on line 21 ClassNotFoundError HTTP 500 Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Attempted to load trait "RunPluginsTrait" from namespace "Akeeba\Component\ATS\Administrator\Mixin". Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace? ExceptionStack Trace Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\ ClassNotFoundError in /homepages/19/d531947429/htdocs/bookStore-Test/administrator/components/com_engage/src/Service/CacheCleaner.php (line 21) /* Joomla cache cleaning service @since 3.2.0 */class CacheCleaner{ use RunPluginsTrait; protected $app; Please tell us about any troubleshooting you already performed and its results.

System information

The currently installed Joomla! version is 4.3.0-alpha2-dev+pr.39491"‎4.3.0-alpha2-dev+pr.39491 PHP 8.0.26 MySQL 5.7

Mandatory information

Issues without this information can not and will not be replied to.

Good to have information

You can skip some or all of this information. However, the more information you provide the faster and better we can help.

PMWilliams123 commented 1 year ago

http://bookstore-test.oddp.uk/index.php/dvds/a-fistful-of-dollars and see for yourself. I can give you an admin account if that helps

nikosdion commented 1 year ago

Yup, there is a typo in Akeeba Engage. I will fix it and release a new version.

PMWilliams123 commented 1 year ago
