akeeba / engage

Akeeba Engage - Comments for Joomla!™ articles made easy
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Reply to is not taken into account when commenting on a thread spanning on several pages #273

Closed NicolasDerumigny closed 1 year ago

NicolasDerumigny commented 1 year ago

Please read the README.md in the repository's root and the support resources before submitting an issue.

Steps to reproduce the issue

Reply a comment on a thread spanning on multiple pages. For example, the top-level comment is on page 1, and answers are displays on page 2.

Expected result

The new comment is shown as a reply to the last comment, with appropriate indentation.

Actual result

The new comment is saved and displayed as a top-level comment (no answer / indentation).

Troubleshooting already performed


System information

Linux 5.15.84 on a Raspberry Pi 3B running Debian 11

Mandatory information

Issues without this information can not and will not be replied to.

Good to have information

You can skip some or all of this information. However, the more information you provide the faster and better we can help.

Additional comments


nikosdion commented 1 year ago

This is not a bug, it's the correct behaviour.

Any comment submitted is, by default, a top level comment UNLESS you click on the Reply button for another comment. When you do the latter, the ID of that comment is sent with the comment form and becomes the parent comment of your comment.

This is something very well tested and I already confirmed it while answering your previous issue. See below:

Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 10 32 55
NicolasDerumigny commented 1 year ago

I fully agree with what you say, but this seem not to answer my issue:

When answering a comment which is not a top-level comment and the top-level comment is on a different page and the maximum comment depth is reached, the "Reply" button is not working properly and does nothing on click (probably because the real parent is not displayed on the page).

nikosdion commented 1 year ago

Yes, this is indeed the case. Unfortunately, I don't think I can realistically fix this without having to display all comments (remove pagination).