akeeba / engage

Akeeba Engage - Comments for Joomla!™ articles made easy
GNU General Public License v3.0
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'Please wait' javascript not working #295

Closed jjnxpct closed 9 months ago

jjnxpct commented 9 months ago

I have been testing the new 'Please wait...' feauture. It was not working our site. I think this is because the comments.min.js does not include the new code from comments.js. I copied the code from the comments.js file to the minified file (replacing the minified code) and after this the function worked OK.

jjnxpct commented 9 months ago

Also the script does not actualy prevent the button from being pressed again. I can still submit the form multiple times by clicking the button multiple times.

This was the soluition we use. It's jQuery.

  let $commentform =  jQuery('form#akengageCommentForm');
  let $submitButton = jQuery('form#akengageCommentForm button.btn-primary');

  $submitButton.removeAttr("type","submit").attr("type", "button");  

  $submitButton.click(function (event) {
    jQuery(this).html('Wordt verwerkt...').addClass('buttonsubmitted').attr("disabled", true);

I would like to use the new feature, but it;s not doing what I would like it to do at this point.