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Manual installation of Akeneo PIM Community Edition (CE) v. 7.0 on Ubuntu fails #20398

Closed elrosi closed 4 months ago

elrosi commented 4 months ago

Hi friends, I want to ask about one problem when Akeneo is installed. Could you please help me with how to do the installation correctly? It seems that the documentation is quite neglected and does not provide all the necessary information.

Manual installation of Akeneo PIM Community Edition (CE) v. 7.0 on Ubuntu fails after running the installation NO_DOCKER=true make dev Importing and creating database data respectively ends with In DatabaseCommand.php line 284 error: 1: exec: bin/console: permission denied

Successfully completed processes:

Then the error above occurs In DatabaseCommand.php line 284: Impossible to get the latest migration sh: 1: exec: bin/console: Permission denied

Ubuntu 20.4 PHP 8.1.27 Elasticsearch 7.17.18 MySql 8.0.36

Check | Pim requirements | OK | iconv() must be available | OK | json_encode() must be available | OK | session_start() must be available | OK | ctype_alpha() must be available | OK | token_get_all() must be available | OK | simplexml_import_dom() must be available | OK | detect_unicode must be disabled in php.ini | OK | PCRE extension must be available | OK | string functions should not be overloaded | OK | PHP version must be at least 8.1.0 (8.1.27 installed) | OK | apcu extension should be available | OK | bcmath extension should be available | OK | curl extension should be available | OK | fileinfo extension should be available | OK | gd extension should be available | OK | intl extension should be available | OK | pdo_mysql extension should be available | OK | xml extension should be available | OK | zip extension should be available | OK | exif extension should be available | OK | imagick extension should be available | OK | mbstring extension should be available | OK | openssl extension should be available | OK | GD extension must be at least 2.0 | ERROR | Install the Ghostscript executable at least 9.53 version | OK | Aspell executable must be available | ERROR | Install and enable the icu library at least 67.1 version | OK | memory_limit should be at least 512M | OK | MySQL version must be greater or equal to 8.0.30 and lower than 8.1.0 | OK | Check support for correct innodb_page_size for utf8mb4 support | OK | The exec() function should be enabled in order to run jobs

elrosi commented 4 months ago

Hi, it helped me to edit the code in: Akeneo\Platform\Installer\Infrastructure\Command\DatabaseCommand::getLatestMigration:238

from old code: $params = ['bin/console', 'doctrine:migrations:latest']; to:

$params = ['php', 'bin/console', 'doctrine:migrations:latest'];