aker-gateway / Aker

SSH bastion/jump host/jumpserver
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Centos 8 support #99

Closed amrBV closed 4 years ago

amrBV commented 4 years ago

How can i set up Aker on Centos 8 ? as the current steps don't work.

EoleDev commented 4 years ago

Hi @amrBV Here is some instructions which could help you install it on centos 8 : yum install redis python2 python2-pip git clone https://github.com/aker-gateway/Aker.git /usr/bin/aker/

modify /usr/bin/aker/requirements.txt line "urwid" to line "urwid == 1.1.1"

pip2 install -r /usr/bin/aker/requirements.txt

chmod 755 /usr/bin/aker/aker.py chmod 755 /usr/bin/aker/akerctl.py

mkdir /var/log/aker chmod 777 /var/log/aker touch /var/log/aker/aker.log chmod 777 /var/log/aker/aker.log

Enforce aker on all users but root, edit sshd_config

Match Group *,!root ForceCommand /usr/bin/aker/aker.py

systemctl restart sshd systemctl restart redis

I made you modify the requirements.txt due to a patch currently in discussion see #96 If you encounter an issue, don't hesitate to ask. These instructions are not tested.

amrBV commented 4 years ago

I had to add yum install python2-dev now when i try to run /usr/bin/aker/aker.py i get the following message: /usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory and this is the result of whereis python python: /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python2.7-config /usr/lib/python3.6 /usr/lib/python2.7 /usr/lib64/python2.7 /usr/lib64/python3.6 /usr/include/python3.6m /usr/include/python2.7 /usr/share/man/man1/python.1.gz

EoleDev commented 4 years ago

Of course, I forgot it... You should replace the line #!/usr/bin/env python which is at the top of the file /usr/bin/aker/aker.py, by the line #!/usr/bin/env python2.7

amrBV commented 4 years ago

I got this error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/aker/aker.py", line 174, in <module> Aker().build_tui() File "/usr/bin/aker/aker.py", line 111, in __init__ config = Configuration(config_file) File "/usr/bin/aker/aker.py", line 60, in __init__ self.log_level = self.configparser.get('General', 'log_level') File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/backports/configparser/__init__.py", line 858, in get d = self._unify_values(section, vars) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/backports/configparser/__init__.py", line 1228, in _unify_values raise NoSectionError(section) backports.configparser.NoSectionError: No section: 'General'

EoleDev commented 4 years ago

You need to take the official documentation, bypass the common steps, and do the steps for the IDP you want (freeipa/json..). It seems you have no configuration file !

amrBV commented 4 years ago

It is working now, i didn't have any configuration file.