akeranen / the-one

The Opportunistic Network Environment simulator
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data set with geographic coordinates #40

Closed wlhappy7 closed 7 years ago

wlhappy7 commented 7 years ago

我正在用ONE实现路由协议,我使用的是带坐标位置的外部数据集,数据集中不包含up和down的信息,ONE支持吗?我看到ONE上是可以导入带有地理位置的数据集的,那么节点间什么时候相遇该怎么知道呢,如果是不含地理位置的数据集,里面是包含连接up和down,但是带有地理位置的数据集是不含这个信息的,那么怎么来判断相遇呢,是在什么类文件中有设置通信范围这样的设置吗? 我看到有个ExternalMovement.java和ExternalMovementReader.java,感觉ONE是支持这样的数据集的,但是这样的数据集还需要在节点间建立连接吗?怎么判断节点间相遇了呢?我的理解是我把数据集整理成输入格式的要求,然后是不是在配置文件里用一下就可以了呢,但是这样怎么建立连接呢? 我看到有个ExternalMovement.java和ExternalMovementReader.java,和这两个类也有关吧?ExternalMovement.java中有reader = new ExternalMovementReader(inputFileName);我把整理好的数据集放在根目录下然后把文件名字输入到inputFileName,然后ExternalMovement是在什么地方会被用到其中的方法呢? I am a student and want to use the-one to implement a routing protocol. I want to use external data set with geographic coordinates.I find the-one support it.But I have some questions about it. So I am writing here to seek some help from you, and I will be appreciated if you could tell me some details of my questions.here are my questions:1)Do I need to establish a connection between nodes? and how to establish a connection or how to judge node meet the other? I am looking forward to your reply.thank you.