Open tsoernes opened 3 years ago
This is likely due to something in your configuration/Doom. First, I would suggest to start from a clean installation, maybe there's you are loading something that you shouldn't.
That is the entirety of my configuration, in addition to:
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; .doom.d/packages.el
(package! winum)
(package! evil-matchit)
(package! ripgrep)
(package! deadgrep)
(package! color-theme-modern)
(package! webpaste)
(package! treemacs-persp)
(package! eterm-256color)
(package! imenu-list)
(package! yapfify)
(package! zeal-at-point)
(package! company-tabnine)
(package! elisp-format)
(package! solaire-mode :disable t)
Can you reproduce the problem with a completely clean setup with your configuration (that is, installing again Doom)? If not, then your problem is solved. If yes, can you reproduce with a barebone Doom installation? If not, then you should bisect your configuration to find the offending package. If yes, can you reproduce without Doom? If not, then it is a Doom problem, if yes, then we will try to understand what is the issue and fix it.
I use doom emacs. When
M-x vterm
I getPossible infinite recursion when copying keymap
. I have reduced the entirety of myconfig.el
down to this:config.el