akgoode / homebridge-lennox-icomfort

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Trouble getting this to load on M30 Thermostat #4

Open GLeeSC opened 10 months ago

GLeeSC commented 10 months ago

New to Hoobs and this is the first bridge / plugin I tried. I installed your plugin as a bridge (ver 1.3.2) on a fresh Hoobs install.

The Bridge appears to run. I see the QR code which I attempt to add to Homekit / Apple Home.

First, Home never shows anything for this added bridge. I can see the bridge is present, but no joy in getting it to show in the room assigned in Apple home.

Second, when I look at the log files in Hoobs, I see the thread below.

I entered the right userid and password -- I even uninstalled and reinstalled as a test of this.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks grl

Lennox Icomfort Bridge starting 9/6/2023, 8:37:04 AMLennox Icomfort BridgeLoaded plugin 'homebridge-lennox-icomfort' 9/6/2023, 8:37:04 AMLennox Icomfort BridgeLoading 1 platforms... 9/6/2023, 8:37:04 AMLennox Icomfort BridgeLennoxIComfortFinished initializing platform: undefined 9/6/2023, 8:37:05 AMLennox Icomfort BridgeBridge is running on port 51826. 9/6/2023, 8:37:05 AMLennox Icomfort BridgeWARNINGunhandled rejection: ERR_HTTP: Unauthorized 9/6/2023, 8:37:17 AMLennox Icomfort BridgeConfiguration change 9/6/2023, 8:37:17 AMlennoxicomfortbridge stopping 9/6/2023, 8:37:23 AMLennox Icomfort Bridge starting 9/6/2023, 8:37:33 AMLennox Icomfort BridgeLoaded plugin 'homebridge-lennox-icomfort' 9/6/2023, 8:37:33 AMLennox Icomfort BridgeLoading 1 platforms... 9/6/2023, 8:37:33 AMLennox Icomfort BridgeLennoxIComfortFinished initializing platform: undefined 9/6/2023, 8:37:34 AMLennox Icomfort BridgeBridge is running on port 51826. 9/6/2023, 8:37:34 AMLennox Icomfort BridgeWARNINGunhandled rejection: ERR_HTTP: Unauthorized

GLeeSC commented 10 months ago

SAw a note on another comment here on the "S40 thermostat doesn't work #2" thread about the fact I am being sent to "https://www.lennoxicomfort.com/" when I want to check these online.

Is this the root of my problem and being in the Unauthorized loop when trying to reach my M30 thermostats?


akgoode commented 10 months ago

After doing some research for a previous comment, the package I use to contact lennox servers doesn't provide endpoints for those thermostats. Don't think getting this done will be possible, unfortunately. Those thermostats contact a completely separate url with unknown api format.

GLeeSC commented 10 months ago

Thanks for clarifying. May want to change the descriptions for your plugin to reflect which iComfort thermostats you do support, and just as importantly ones you know you cannot or are not sure of.

Will remove from Hoobs for now and hopefully see a solution emerge. With they had grandfathered in the M30 to some of the new designs around Homekit etc. The challenge of the home automation industry!


sconstantine commented 2 months ago

I'll assume no update and still non-support for S30, M30, E30 (which uses a different endpoint: https://www.lennoxicomfort.com/account/login)?