akgulebubekir / Maui.DataGrid

DataGrid component for Maui
MIT License
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Change background color of row when the mouse is hovering #182

Open daniol opened 1 month ago

daniol commented 1 month ago

It would be nice the ability to change the background color of the row (DataGridRow) that the mouse is hovering. For example defining internally a Behavior<VisualElement> that changes the color when the events _nativeView.PointerEntered and _nativeView.PointerExited are raised, and a color property that can be set from outside.

symbiogenesis commented 1 month ago

A fair feature request. But would only affect Windows or MacCatalyst.

For performance, disabling this feature should ensure that the events are never subscribed. It should also not subscribe when on a platform with no pointer device.

Something to think about for a future release.