Hi, I am using 1.0.4 version and I am having overlapping text issue. I have list of items to print in as table so I have used stacklayout with ItemsSoucre property to bind the list of items. It looks good on screen as I have given desense width, but when I use pdfgenerate GeneratePdfFromView(view,PageOrientation.Portrait, PageSize.A4, PdfStyle.Uniform); like this and pass whole view. its creating pdf but the data from columns are overlapping .
Hi, I am using 1.0.4 version and I am having overlapping text issue. I have list of items to print in as table so I have used stacklayout with ItemsSoucre property to bind the list of items. It looks good on screen as I have given desense width, but when I use pdfgenerate GeneratePdfFromView(view,PageOrientation.Portrait, PageSize.A4, PdfStyle.Uniform); like this and pass whole view. its creating pdf but the data from columns are overlapping .